Idea ID: 2875061

Currently Feature not available restart steps from begining in INIT section of Truclient script..

Status: Waiting for Votes


I have raised a service request 02483703 for how to restart the INIT section in truClient script when any error occurs temporarily at any steps like Login failure or Login page not displayed ...I got the reply that the feature is not yet available to restart the INIT section until LR2022 R2.

If we insert a catch error statement below the wait object statement with error to be displayed under TCA.log() followed by step to fail the transaction...but there is no facility currently until LR2022 R2 to restart the INIT section from beginning in case of failure in any step in INIT section....In the counterpart web http/html, we can restart the INIT section by adding goto Restart statement where we can put Restart: tag at beginning of INIT.

Please have a look and share your opinion to add the feature. 

