Idea ID: 2876090

LRE - HAR files generated from LRE should be displaying the Load time in order to analyze the time consuming API during the Load Test

Status: Needs Clarification

HAR files generated from LRE should be displaying the Load time in order to analyze the time consuming API during the Load Test.

We have observed issue where the HAR file generated from LRE is not showing the Load time when opening it in Dev Tool/Fiddler.

Instead of Actual Time, it’s showing Pending for all the requests under Timings as shown in the below screenshot.

We have observed it with the HAR file generated from Vugen as well as from LRE.


  • Hello Disha
    The load time in Developer Tools represents “load” event in browser (Document loaded). This information is not reflected in HAR files (“timings” section) disregarding the source (Browser or Vugen). It contains networking timing only.

    You can use “Export HAR file” feature in browser to get HAR file and then import it back. The only “network” timing will be presented…