With 24.1 we noticed page level filters cannot be added on self service portlets

Hi Team,

With 24.1 we noticed page level filters cannot be added on self service portlets. Is there a way to add page filters on the self service portlets.

The idea is to use the self service portlets on modules and have page filters apply to all the portlets.


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    Hi Urva,

    This is not new with 24.1 - Page Filters have never worked for Self-Service Portlets as far as I can tell. Page filters will only work with "old" Builder portlet such as custom List/Chart portlets. It will also not work for Java portlets, such as Request List portlet or Project List portlet.

    Feel free to submit an idea if you want page filters to work with Self-Service portlets - but keep in mind that this will be a significant investment as we'll need to also implement page filters on new Dashboards (Portfolio/Team/etc.), where page filters are currently not available. So I don't see this happening any time soon.