Send resource requests automatically on saving staffing profile


I have few questions related to staffing profile

  • Is it possible to change the order of default columns for Staffing Profile?
  • Is it possible to configure the staffing profile to send the resource requests automatically on save?


  • Suggested Answer


    Hi Navneet,

    1) You cannot change order of columns on the staffing profile, but you can change which columns are displayed by default on new staffing profile using server parameter STAFFING_PROFILE_DEFAULT_COLUMNS

    2) I'm not aware of a way to automatically send resources requests on Save - feel free to submit an Idea in PPM Idea Exchange for this if it's needed. However, please note that you do not need to send Resources Request for demand to appear in the "Team" page. Team Managers will view demand that is in "New" status, and can decide to directly assign resources to these positions without waiting for request to be submitted. If you're still using the old "Manage Allocations" screens, I'd strongly advise you to switch to the Teams page as soon as possible, the capabilities and user experience are much better.