Working with customer to use the PPM Purge-Tool for the first time. PPM v10.02
- Installed tool on local windows desktop with access to the PPM database
- Configured and connected to UAT DB.
- Initial Run
- Criteria: Request
- Entity Type: some_request_type
- Status: Checked All
- Date Before: 2011-01-01
- Went to Pre-Processing, didn't like the results so decided to create a different criteria
- Run #2
- Criteria: Request
- PROBLEM is the Entity Type and Status fields are no longer active, can't get dropdown list to appear. Just get a red circle with a line through it when attempting to click on field. (See screenshot).
Troubleshooting Steps:
- Removed tool and re-installed
- Configured and connected to UAT DB.
- Same results.
- Switched from Chrome to MS Edge
- Same results
- Dropped all DB Objects created by purge-tool.
- Removed tool and re-installed
- configured and connected to UAT DB
- Same results.
I assume the tool is reading the request_types table to get the list of Entity Types on the fly. The tool seems to be able to collect the DB statistics each time so I believe the connection is still good. The fields are gray and not editable so it's not just an empty drop down list. The field just isn't active now.
Not sure what else to try. Any suggestions?