Hi All.
In PPM 24.1 I'm testing the new very interesting capability named "Power Point Reporting".
I have enabled the demo "Power Point Reporting" based on the pptx "PowerpointReportsDemo.pptx" and the outcome is very interesting since a native pptx is generated retrieving data from PPM. I received a PowerPoint of #10 pages where page #9 and page # 10 contains data retrieved from PPM: Program Name and Program Manager (in slide #9 I have #28 Bullets, in slide #10 I have a table with #28 rows and the same content; since these are Production data I cannot share here)
My question: I have not understood which query containded in the "PowerpointReportsDemo.pptx" is executed
There are several comments as notes, what is the query executed ?. In slide #8 of the "PowerpointReportsDemo.pptx" there are in the Notes some examples
but I don't understand in slide #10 which type of query is executed (Data Source / SQL) and what is the specific code executed
Once I know where is the SQL query, I can change and I can generated several power point report type avoiding huge back-office activity ... it seems veru cool!
Best Regards, Silvio