I am testing the Webhook capability in PPM 23.4 and I am adding a Header Name and the value should be a [TOKEN] from the request that is sending the webhook message to the receiving Webhook but it looks like that is not possible:
The request received be the Webhook:
3/28/2024, 12:19:59: Body: {"requestId":119759} 3/28/2024, 12:19:59: Headers: {"it_project_request_type":"[REQ.REQUEST_TYPE_NAME]","content-length":"22","content-type":"application/json; charset=UTF-8","host":"FLAALMMVB01.mtn.co.za:5000","connection":"Keep-Alive","user-agent":"Apache-HttpClient/4.5.14 (Java/1.8.0_212)","accept-encoding":"gzip,deflate"}
Is this something that will be possible in future PPM versions or am I using this incorrectly?
Ideally should we should be able to add to the body of the Webhook.
When is the Webhook processed, after or before saving the Request type?
Thank you.
Alfred Puth
iOCO: Senior PPM Consultant