PPM - Octane Connector - Date fields, Referenzes and delition

I have several issues with the PPM-Octane interface:

  • Date fields can't be mapped, they are not shown in the PPM or Octane field list
  • The parent reference Octane field (i.e. Epic in Feature) will be transfered as pure text - the ID of the parent (i.e. Epic) is missing. Maybe the problem ist the PPM field type (currently text). What do I need to use?
  • We have just mapping from Agile to PPM, not backwards, but when I delete an Epic in PPM, it's also deleted in Octane (Incident opened already)

Has anyone a solution for one of the topics above?



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    Hi Janos,

    These are indeed limitations of the current Octane connector with no immediate solution that I can think of. You can submit Ideas about addressing them, or you could also address some of these issues directly by building your own improved version of the Octane connector

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    Hello Etienne,

    I've changed the connector alread to return all field types and I will also change the handling of the parent reference.

    But it was not expected that so many things are missing. Actually you can't do much without a date mapping - it was a show stopper for us.

    And the deletion when you want to sync in just one direction is another big issue, also for testing.



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    Hello Etienne,

    I managed that all fields from Octane appears in the mapping list, but how is the field list of PPM build? I believe that this is in one of the integration libs that are not available as open source.



  • Suggested Answer

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    That is correct - the only way to expose more PPM fields is to open an Idea as this requires PPM-side code changes. 

    A workaround would be to create a hidden text field in your request type that you would sync with the agile tool, and use some SQL rules to sync it to any visible field using a non-supported validation on load or on save. That rule could take care of any formatting or validation logic that will be needed.

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    Hello Etienne,

    we have managed all that. We have some issues with the OOB mapping. 

    1. We need to store the Epic ID in a separate field in PPM, because this is the main ID for the customer, but the custom field stays empty and I can't use the ALM-ID of the request for rules.

    2. The list mapping only appears for drop down fields that are not based on SQL, but we have also multi select fields that needs a mapping.

    3. We have fixed some mapping issues and want to resync all requests from octane to ppm. How do we do this? I've already tried to reset the dates in PPM_INT_AGILE_CONTROL but just a few requests are re-synced.



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    Hi Janos,

    1. Do you mean that Epic ID is not listed in the fields to map to PPM, or that it's listed but isn't saved in the PPM field? Are you mapping an Octane Epic or a different entity type?

    2. I don't think that it's possible to map multi-select fields or based on SQL (especially not if they use tokens), only fields based on lookup values. It's a limitation, and it will be hard to address this if your validation using tokens.

    3. You should update table PPM_INT_AGILE_ENTITY_MAP, check columns PPM_LAST_UPDATE_TIME and AGILE_LAST_UPDATE_TIME.