OOTB Time Approval Portlet

Hi Etienne /Team,

We have noticed that OOTB Time Approval Portlet only shows 5 rows by default. There is no indication of more rows in the portlet e..g Next button or total number of rows unlike other list portlets.

More timesheets only show up only when the portlet is maximized.

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    Hi Urva,

    You may have customized some CSS that resulted in hiding the records information. Total number of records shows fine on my environment:

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    HI Etienne,

    We both are referring to different portlets. Approve Time Sheets portlet works fine and as desired. The issue is with "Time Approval" portlet that is available for "Project Overview" tab. "Time Approval" portlet does not show next or total records as the "Approve Time Sheet" portlet does.

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    You're right indeed!

    Feel free to submit an ER/Idea.

    Note that as a workaround you can include the "Approve Time Sheets" portlet on the project overview page, the main pain point here is that project managers have to set the project value in the portlet preferences for each Project.

    Also, you'll need to copy the built-in "Approve Time Sheet" portlet definition in order to add it to the "project overview" portlet category and be able to add it to project overview. But at least you'll get the lines counts:

    You can also sort columns on the Approve Time Sheets portlet, but not on the "Time Approval" one.