Idea ID: 2872438

Hyperlink HTML tags on search request results

Status: Delivered

Delivered in PPM 10.0.2 (tentative release date: end of May 2022)

See status update history

This is about Hyperlink HTML tags on search request results.
After upgrade from 9.3 to 9.66 the customer noticed that the hyperlink tags are displayed as plain text on search request results screen.
The hyperlink are created in a text field using the metatag "<!--HTML-->"
We know about the URL validation but this is not about it.
Before PPM 9.3 there were some defects that similar thing was not working. Than it was working in some PPM versions. Later the support for HTML tags was reduced because of (possible) security issues.
The customer needs these hyperlinks to be displayed in PPM 9.66 as they were in PPM 9.3.
However this seems to be in a little gray area at the moment and looks more than ER than a defect.
If this happens to be not ER after it gets evaluated - please let us know to open CPE incident.

Iliya Iliev
Although I am an OpenText employee, I am speaking for myself and not for OpenText.
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