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Can I import issues to IssueManager with Web Services?



Can I import issues to IssueManager with Web Services?


It is possible to use the web services API to do this and you could also build a custom utility however such a procedure cannot be created or supported by Borland Technical Support.

The following method is available to enter issues via the web services:

public int saveNewIssue
(long sessionID, int projectID, String issueType, String product, String release,
String platform, String component, String severity, String synopsis, String description)

long sessionID - The unique ID of the actual session
int projectID - The ID of the project
String issueType - The issue type
String product - The product name
String release - The release name
String platform - The platform name
String component - The component name
String severity - The severity of the new issue
String synopsis - A name or short description of the new issue
String description - The description of the new issue

The issue number of the newly generated issue.

For further information, please see Chapter 3 of the Test Manager API Guide.

Old KB# 30306
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