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Silk Central Hotfix Information


A list of Hotfixes for Silk Central

Here you can find a list of the Hotfixes for SilkCentral.  If you would like to be notified each time a fix is released please use the “email subscribe to this page” function under Options.

After release, hotfixes will be available for download at in the Product Updates section. For any help with download or application, contact


Silk Central 18.5

Silk Central 18.0 Hotfix 1

The following issues have been resolved in Silk Central 18.5 Hotfix 1:
RPI # Description

RPI #1109243
Drop and recreate view TM_V_Last2Weeks to avoid permission problem ORA-01720: grant option does not exist for 'SYS.DUAL'

RPI #1111228
Synchronize Testing Cycle action: Check for "Synchronize manual test runs" permission

RPI #1112675
Prevent UpdateRequirements API updating flag status

RPI #1112197
18.5 does not generate result file for previous runs if current run is aborted

RPI #1112228
Problems with wildcard filters on not unique parameter names

RPI #1112250
Error exporting project with attachments

RPI #1112284
Fixed security alert for Silk Central

RPI #1112918
Fix that Test Run results do not display Test Data used for Silk Test Classic test case execution

RPI #1111413
Amazon Web Service cloud provider updated to support additional regions and instance types

RPI #1112978
Fix that Application Server stops deploying executions until it is restarted

Additional Fixes:
Fix webservice call 'updateNode' in ExecutionService as this raises an error when execution plan has setup/cleanup test.

Silk Central 18.0

Silk Central 18.0 Hotfix 2

This is a cumulative hotfix which includes previous hotfixes. The following issues have been resolved in Silk Central 18.0 Hotfix 2:
SI # RPI # Description

3108645 1110473
Integration with RDNG synchs folders but not the use cases

3111016 1110329
Icons from Jira items do not correspond to the issue types

3118878 1111016
Slow system performance in one specific project (execution plan)

3122126 1111052
Date display error in manual testing - German instance

3122661 1111309
Test Executions waiting for available server and execution server is not used anymore for executions.

3123199 1111228
Synchronize Testing Cycle action: Check for "Synchronize manual test runs" permission

3124572 1111199
JIRA: "Checkboxes" field in JIRA is not supported

3125017 1111250
Handle NPE in item cancellation from a list attribute

3125929 1111308
Inconsistent validation when making platforms inactive

3126080 1111378
Issues when executing Silk Performer tests from Silk Central on a Chinese OS

3126173 1111330
Inactive platform used when raising issues from tests

3126421 1111375
Unable to generate web service stubs for IssueManagerService Autocreate user does not work for Issue Manager projects having generated inbox enabled. 
- Amazon EC2 plugin improvements, extended region, and instance type support.

Silk Central 18.0 Hotfix 1

3111075 1110047
Duplicate entries in Inbox View of the Issue Manager

3116514 1110433
LDAP Authentication On Ambiguous User Filter - Behavior like in SC <= 17.5

3117524 1110592
LDAP SSL Authentication broken - SC 18.0 displays a generic error when certificate is missing or LDAP/service unavailable

3117951 1110586
Error In Search "the search index is not ready" 
- Fixed error sending Email to SuperUser if user details are updated from LDAP during logon

Silk Central 17.5

Silk Central 17.5 Hotfix 2

This is a cumulative hotfix which includes previous hotfixes. The following issues have been resolved in Silk Central 17.5 Hotfix 2:
SI # RPI # Description

2881689 1107509
Missing automation run results

2886772 1108226
Setting numerical or date test attributes using Web Services is not working

2886772 1108854
Specifying a value for float attributes on German systems is not possible

2989566 1108643
Silk Central hangs when using filters

2991268 1108797
Editing an attribute name breaks filters that use the attribute

3101985 1109007
Opening Silk Test Workbench stwx file does not work if database has a non-default port

3102044 1109460
Accuracy of Silk Test Classic test results after a crash

3103036 1109398
Case sensitive username allows different items in reporting area

3104400 1109238
Duplicate test suite starts when manual tests are assigned by filter

3105455 1109332
JIRA requirements integration: Added JIRA issue's summary field to custom attribute section of a Silk Central requirement

3105886 1109402
Fixed NullPointerException when finishing test run in Manual Testing window

3107668 1109643
Fatal error on running execution plan

3108019 1109593
Fixed content formatting in custom information panel

3108544 628626
Integration with StarTeam Web Client 16.0

3109950 1109797
Data-driven issue: Problems with formatting of parameter cell in description
- Fixed attached links in Manual Testing window
- Security fix: 2nd LDAP configuration is not checked if user login is found on first configuration (with the wrong password)

Silk Central 17.5 Hotfix 1

2873790 1106453
SVN fetch failing intermittently - SrcCtrlMirrors has to be deleted manually

2878533 1107081
Incorrect URLs in service /

2879612 1107217
Don't recalculate test status when finishing 'Not 
Executed' test and choosing 'Leave status not executed'

2879751 1107222
Prevent JavaScript error when step description/result contains
unicode line/paragraph separator characters

2879770 1107232
Keyword-driven testing - Automating manual test - reuse existing drafted keywords 
with parameters

2880034 1107325
A fatal internal error 
occurred while accessing Tracking -> Activities tab

2880083 1107271
Test not showing after restoring 
database backup

2880426 1107405
Screen Capture window not minimized in Firefox and IE

2880558 1107356
Message about starting an instance contains wrong French translation

2881096 1107425
Export to Excel fails with
error when step contains images: Add test/step context info to error message

2881611 624365
Android devices in device list are not shown if no browser is installed

2882636 1107665
Error 'Excel file does not contain usable data' caused by blank space in 
worksheet name

2883264 1107978
Wrong URL in Issue Manager mails

2883431 1107854
Requirement import from Excel does not import all the fields

2883774 1107832
Tests > Gridview column issues - Overlapping menu bar

2883781 1107837
REMOVE ALL button in tests assigned to execution plan

2883806 1107853
Single quote character (') in report name leads to invalid file name

2884282 1107927
Fixed issue status updater on case-insensitive databases

2885274 1108049
Refresh the test assignment by
filter on start by schedule and dependency even if no tests were assigned

2885459 1108082
Excel data source: Application server crashed due to OutOfMemory error

2885554 1108093
Support custom fields of JIRA field-type 'Number Field'

2885953 1108133
Data source configuration is not limited to
location specified in source control profile

2886339 1108175
Silk Test Classic tests are not filtered correctly using Test Property data-driven criteria

2886772 1108235
Float values - German instance - tmplanning web service did not allow comma

2877697 1107355
Test list in Manual Execution window is sorted by: Configuration, Execution Plan, Execution Plan Order.

2886037 1108193
Could not start child process for Silk Test Classic execution

2913501 1108514
License issue - 3 Licenses checked out after session timeout expires - Tracking

2988120 1108496
Executing Silk Test Workbench Keyword-Driven Test in Silk Central

2989300 1108617
Attributes list in Filters are not sorted

2990396 1108722
Fatal error loading manual execution planning after upgrading from Silk Central 17.0 to 

2991270 1108796
Changing a value in a filter selection criteria resets values of following criteria

- DeviceProvider SilkTestInfoservice 17.5 HF 1: only ST 17.0 is not supported, modify check to mark 17.5 HF1 as supported

3100171 626569
Set chart render type to PNG for compatibility with Internet Explorer / Edge

- - Silk Test Workbench - show test as failed in case of compile errors instead of passed
- - Use the "hash" directive as load balancing method instead of "ip_hash;"

Silk Central 17.0

Silk Central 17.0 Hotfix 3

This is a cumulative hotfix which includes previous hotfixes. The following issues have been resolved in Silk Central 17.0 Hotfix 3:
SI # RPI # Description

SVN fetch failing intermittently - SrcCtrlMirrors has to be deleted manually

Test list is sorted by: Configuration, Execution Plan, Execution Plan Order

Screen capture window is not minimised in Firefox and IE

Missing automation run results

Tests > Gridview Column issues - overlapping menu bar

REMOVE ALL button in tests assigned to execution plan

Single quote character (') in report name leads to invalid file name

Requirement import from Excel does not import all fields

Fixed issue status updater on case-insensitive databases

Wrong URL in Issue Manager mails

Refresh the test assignment by filter on start by schedule and dependency even if no tests were assigned

Manual test results view: Missing formatting in exported PDF when default Silk instance is not running

Excel data source: Application server crashed due to OutOfMemory error

Support custom fields of JIRA field-type 'Number Field'

Data source configuration not limited to location specified in source control profile

Float values - German instance - tmplanning web service did not allow comma
- Silk Test Workbench - show test as failed in case of compile errors instead of passed
- Use the "hash" directive as load balancing method instead of "ip_hash;"

Silk Central 17.0 Hotfix 2

Could not start child process for Silk Test Classic automated execution.

Epic status support in JIRA plugin.

Issues with SQL database connection to Silk Central when using Windows authentication - Login Fail Error received.

A requirement integration can no longer be deleted during a running synchronization.

Silk Central 17 Hotfix installation Issues: NGINX folder was deleted.

User list timeout error.

Attributes do not match in Tests Grid View.

Incorrect URLs in service /axislegacy/sccentities?wsdl.

Poor performance when working in a shared library.

Don't recalculate test status when finishing 'Not executed' test and choosing 'Leave status not executed'.

Prevent JavaScript error when step description/result contains unicode line/paragraph separator characters.

Report Data page and global search view linked to default instance.

Keyword-driven testing - Automating manual test - reuse existing drafted keywords with parameters.

Test not showing after restoring database backup.

A fatal internal error occurred while accessing Tracking -> Activities tab.

Message about starting an instance contains wrong French translation.

Silk Central 17.0 Hotfix 1

Manual execution planning: Tests are no longer deselected after assignment.

Deadlock on execution server when deleting configuration suite entry.

Improved load time of Manual Execution Planning page.

Project list timeout error - fixed performance problem.

Performance issues when users set new status for manual tests.

Custom issue type value is not recorded in StarTeam.

Duplicate configurations in the same project.

Error when editing filter with test parameters where project has 2 parameters and the names only differ in upper/lower case.

Allow changing test container of configuration suite if there are no assigned tests and no runs.

JIRA fields of type "User Picker (Multi User)" are displayed as a text-field and the user can specify multiple JIRA users separated by a comma.

Error when sorting the keywords grid by parameter on Oracle.

Improved performance when using filters.

Number of test cases in Manual Execution Planning is not correct on Oracle.

Performance issues when deleting shared libraries.

Fixed print functionality if content exceeds one page.

Issue with running data-driven NUnit (Silk4Net) tests from Silk Central.

Manual Testing UI: Use correct instance URL for "Go To Test" action.

JIRA Agile Sync - Could not import project: Only set the creator if it is not null or empty, otherwise set empty string in property.

RMService - Requirement history ChangedBy field displays incorrect user.

Silk Performer result file download (ZIP) is corrupted.

Fixed exception when last selected entry is deselected in Contents tab.

Firefox (non-ESR): Window is not restored after screen capturing on secondary monitor.

Error executing configuration suite with data driven tests assigned by filter.

Disabled internal check to work with ClearQuest integration at 64-bit.

Error "For input string..." when checking/unchecking “Inherit from parent” with browser zoom different than 100%.

When using keyboard shortcuts to save test step results, the result of the last step is not saved.

Manual testing window displays in screen capture.
- The filter dialog showed wrong value editor for test parameters in certain cases.


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