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SQL Advanced Query Security for 3rd Party Clients


When dealing with multiple 3rd party clients, security is important within the Advanced Query Builder

The best solution is to prevent security issues occurring or misuse of SQL queries.  By disabling some settings within System Administration you can ensure clients will not be able to run queries that return the projects or details of different clients.

By disabling both of these features, you will be better secured in your ability to manage database access and results being shown with multiple clients.

  1. Go to System Administration
  2. Log in as sysadmin user.
  3. Go to Clients tab > Permissions tab to edit:
    • Ensure "Allow Advanced Reports for Client Users" is not selected for scenarios with multiple independent clients.  

This will prevent results displaying details containing information from another client.

    • Ensure "Allow Report Template Management for Client Users" is not selected. 

Disabling this ability will prevent users from uploading BIRT templates.   When these templates are in use, the BIRT engine can access the database directly. This will mean that only the Admin user can upload templates and assign these to clients.

SI: 2798790 

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