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Silk Test - How to record script for System Tray icon for windows application

Our application has a feature that displays application an icon in the system tray on windows

When we Right Mouse Click on the system tray icon, Context Menu is displayed with some menu items (About, Help, Exit, AppName....etc.)

The application is opened by clicking on the Context Menu item.

i  tried to record a script (vb.Net) in silk test to open an application from system tray icon.

when i try to record the actions performed on system tray icons, the silk test work bench tool does not record the actions

Silk test recording does not work for system tray icons in windows.

Consider the Webex application, a right mouse click on the Webex application icon from the system tray will display a context menu.

We need to click on the "Settings" menu item to open the application's settings window.

Similarly we need to open our application from the system tray icon.

In Silk Test Workbench tool, Can anyone give me a solution on how to record a script for system tray icons in Windows?



  • Verified Answer



    I believe that you will need to add an application configuration for "explorer.exe" which manages these objects.

    I hope that helps.


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    Hi Robert,

    Thanks for the clarification.

    I tried your suggestion on silk test workbench tool and it worked successfully.

    I can able to add some other exe's in the application configuration. 


