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StarTeam Server 12.5 to StarTeam server 17.2 upgrade - What about licences


I'm trying to migrate Starteam server  v12.5 to v17.2, i have the licence file that i downloaded from microfocus portal called xxxxxxxx.dat that contains LicenseKey and ProductCode .

When i enter that licence info on the starteam v17.2 it's not working. I have an error message. Do i have to inform microfocus that i'am actually migrating my app to a new server so they will provide new licence file ? 

Thank you for your help.


  • You would need to get new license keys for this upgrade. Please open a ticket in the MF Support portal and you should get the new keys .. Pls update this thread if you are having any issues

  • Hi Murlip, well we seem to find a way to directly request for upgraded licences on our online portal, but my question is if we request to download this new licence version compatible with starteam v17.2, if there will be any impact on our production setup ? I mean is there any way that former licence registered in our legacy server will stop to operate or can we have both setup operating at the same time until we migrate to the new server that is hosting version 17.2 ? thank you

  • Just a requesting a license will not cause any change to your current production environment running 12.5 server. You need to specifically delete the old keys and put in the new keys after upgrading to the new 17.2 server.

    What I would suggest is to create a test environment and do a upgrade from your current environment to 17.2 to make sure that you're not running into any issues.. I don't expect any issues but just to be on the safe side it is always a good idea to run a trial upgrade.

    You need to put in the license keys after upgrading to 17.2 server. Please remember that the server will not start unless you have applied the new keys.

    How many users do you currently have in your configuration? 

    Let me know if you have any further questions

  • If you need any assistance with the upgrade process, please open a support ticket and we will be able to help you with the upgrade process

  • Hi Murlip ! Thanks for your quick reply, it really appreciated.

    In fact we have mounted a POC for the v17.2 version with a separated database on our Test environment. 

    We are about to do the migration on our prod environment soon ! We make sure our new v17.2 server is installed with all prerequisites, the DB is already on SQL2019/win 2019 server. We did a repository synhcronisation and we will do a last one during the D day. 

    I was wondering about the process for getting licences for our starteam v17.2. I can request that online on our portal, but i was wondering about that if it will impact our current prod setup - StarTeam v12.5. 

    I think it's clear now. We can dowload our new licence info compatible with v17.2, can we register the new licences on the server before migrating or just after the migration ? Can we register them on our test environement and then in production if all is working fine ? 

    I hope my questions are clear, we need to know how to proceed. Anyway our POC for v17.2/win server2019 is successful. 

    Thanks a lot again

  • can we register the new licences on the server before migrating or just after the migration ?

    >>>> Actually it does not matter since the upgrade process does not a review licenses. You have to make sure to apply the license keys before starting the 17.2 server. It will not start without the new license keys. Hope it is clear to you

    Can we register them on our test environement and then in production if all is working fine ? 

    >>>>You should be able to register them in the test environment and then in production as long as you remember to delete the keys from the test server and decommission the machine.. keeping both servers active would be in violation of your licensing agreement.. In other words if you have 50 concurrent licenses, you should apply them only on one server and not on multiple servers for production use.


  • I just wanted to clarify the license consumption point. As long as you are using the other license keys in test environments it is okay.. The important point to remember is production usage cannot exceed the number of licenses you have bought. As an example if you have bought 50 licenses, you are only entitled to 50 licenses on the production server.

    I hope this is clear

  • Hi Murlip, 

    Finally we managed to migrate successfully from v12.5 to v17 ! 

    Former server services have been stopped and disabled.  Server will be decomed soon.

    Do you know where we can find the latest version of starteam client v17.2 software + SDK please ?

    Thanks again for your support and assistance  !

  • StarTeam Cross-Platform Client 17.2 is also available for download from support site, look for 17.2 version

  • Hi Danielle, i cant find that sorry. I am able to only get starteam server version. 

    Do you have a link where i cant the client side version 17.2 + SDK for our developpers ? 

    Thank you