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What is the supported encoding format when customizing StarTeam email notification templates with non-ASCII characters?



What is the supported encoding format when customizing StarTeam email notification templates with non-ASCII characters?


  • Product Name: StarTeam
  • Product Version: 2006, 2006 R2, 2008, 2008 R2
  • Product Component: Email Notifications
  • Platform/OS Version: Microsoft Windows

When customizing StarTeam email notification templates with non-ASCII characters, the template should be saved in UTF-8 encoding format to display the expected characters. All email notification messages (both plain text and HTML) are sent in UTF-8 encoding.

Any messages not saved in UTF-8 encoding format will display unreadable characters when read by the recipient. StarTeam supports data in all languages that can be encoded in UTF-8.

Old KB# 29426
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