DevOps Cloud (ADM)
IT Operations Cloud
Borland License Server backup fails to start and will not connect to the main server correctly.
The Belise backup server will not start. I get a log file
similar to the following:
2008-04-02 21:09:08,020 [main:info]
Borland License Server v4.03 - Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Borland
2008-04-02 21:09:08,020 [main:info]
2008-04-02 21:09:08,020 [main:info]
2008-04-02 21:09:08,020 [main:info] admin port = 20316
2008-04-02 21:09:08,020 [main:info] homeDir =
2008-04-02 21:09:08,020 [main:info] configDir =
2008-04-02 21:09:08,020 [main:info] logsDir =
2008-04-02 21:09:08,020 [main:info]
2008-04-02 21:09:08,224 [main:info]
2008-04-02 21:09:08,224 [main:info] Accepting requests from IP
address or range: *.*.*.*
2008-04-02 21:09:08,239 [main:info]
2008-04-02 21:09:08,239 [main:info] Listening on port: 4467
2008-04-02 21:09:08,239 [main:info]
2008-04-02 21:09:08,239 [main:info] WARNING: Report logging is
2008-04-02 21:09:08,239 [main:info] To enable, set
"reportLogsEnabled" property to "true" in
"" file and restart Borland License
2008-04-02 21:09:08,239 [main:info]
2008-04-02 21:09:08,255 [main:info] License Pool Loaded: [10
concurrent, 0 named] StarTeam 2008 (11004, 2)
2008-04-02 21:09:08,255 [main:info]
2008-04-02 21:09:08,255 [main:info]
2008-04-02 21:09:08,255 [main:info]
2008-04-02 21:09:08,286 [main:info]
2008-04-02 21:09:08,286 [main:info] Waiting for backup to
When the BLS service is started on APPD1, it gives the following
2008-03-26 21:06:16,047 [main:info] Borland License Server v4.03 -
Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Borland Software
2008-03-26 21:06:16,062 [main:info]
2008-03-26 21:06:16,062 [main:info]
2008-03-26 21:06:16,062 [main:info] admin port = 20316
2008-03-26 21:06:16,062 [main:info] homeDir =
2008-03-26 21:06:16,062 [main:info] configDir =
2008-03-26 21:06:16,062 [main:info] logsDir =
2008-03-26 21:06:16,062 [main:info]
2008-03-26 21:06:16,235 [main:info] BSlipManager initialization
failed, program aborted
2008-03-26 21:06:16,235 [main:info] Configuration file
server_30965.slip does not match the server
Hosting was performed incorrectly, or the configuration file
belongs to another server.
The file lock (rkv-bst-appd2) does not match the server lock
2008-03-26 21:06:16,250 [main:info] Shutting down...
2008-03-26 21:06:16,250 [main:info] Stopped.
This is happens because the backup server has not been setup correctly, or the main license server was not hosted correctly to have a backup server. Follow the steps below to correct the issue on the backup server. Call Borland Support if your main license server was not setup to host a backup server.
1. Install the license server on both the primary and backup
machines (do not start them yet).
2. On the backup machine, locate the $BLS$\conf\,
and open it in an editor. You need to set/define the following
properties (these properties are CASE
isBackupServer = true
masterHost = [primary server host name]
masterPort = 4467
3. Save the server_xxxxx.slip in the master $BLS$\conf directory.
Do not save this file in the backup server.
4. Start the primary server using the Service.
5. The backup now must be started manually within 5 minutes of
starting the master.
If the problem persists, please contact Borland Support
Author: Daniel Rice and Scott Moore