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Borland License Server backup fails to start and will not connect to the main server correctly.



Borland License Server backup fails to start and will not connect to the main server correctly.


  • Product Name: Borland License Server
  • Product Version: 2008
  • Product Component: License
  • Platform/OS Version: All supported OS


The Belise backup server will not start. I get a log file similar to the following:

2008-04-02 21:09:08,020 [main:info] Borland License Server v4.03 - Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Borland Software
2008-04-02 21:09:08,020 [main:info]
2008-04-02 21:09:08,020 [main:info] --------------------------------------------------
2008-04-02 21:09:08,020 [main:info] admin port = 20316
2008-04-02 21:09:08,020 [main:info] homeDir = D:\Borland\BLS4
2008-04-02 21:09:08,020 [main:info] configDir = D:\Borland\BLS4\conf
2008-04-02 21:09:08,020 [main:info] logsDir = D:\Borland\BLS4\logs
2008-04-02 21:09:08,020 [main:info] --------------------------------------------------
2008-04-02 21:09:08,224 [main:info]
2008-04-02 21:09:08,224 [main:info] Accepting requests from IP address or range: *.*.*.*
2008-04-02 21:09:08,239 [main:info]
2008-04-02 21:09:08,239 [main:info] Listening on port: 4467
2008-04-02 21:09:08,239 [main:info]
2008-04-02 21:09:08,239 [main:info] WARNING: Report logging is disabled.
2008-04-02 21:09:08,239 [main:info] To enable, set "reportLogsEnabled" property to "true" in "" file and restart Borland License Server.
2008-04-02 21:09:08,239 [main:info]
2008-04-02 21:09:08,255 [main:info] License Pool Loaded: [10 concurrent, 0 named] StarTeam 2008 (11004, 2)
2008-04-02 21:09:08,255 [main:info]
2008-04-02 21:09:08,255 [main:info]
2008-04-02 21:09:08,255 [main:info]
2008-04-02 21:09:08,286 [main:info]
2008-04-02 21:09:08,286 [main:info] Waiting for backup to connect...

When the BLS service is started on APPD1, it gives the following message.
2008-03-26 21:06:16,047 [main:info] Borland License Server v4.03 - Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Borland Software
2008-03-26 21:06:16,062 [main:info]
2008-03-26 21:06:16,062 [main:info] --------------------------------------------------
2008-03-26 21:06:16,062 [main:info] admin port = 20316
2008-03-26 21:06:16,062 [main:info] homeDir = D:\Borland\BLS4
2008-03-26 21:06:16,062 [main:info] configDir = D:\Borland\BLS4\conf
2008-03-26 21:06:16,062 [main:info] logsDir = D:\Borland\BLS4\logs
2008-03-26 21:06:16,062 [main:info] --------------------------------------------------
2008-03-26 21:06:16,235 [main:info] BSlipManager initialization failed, program aborted
2008-03-26 21:06:16,235 [main:info] Configuration file server_30965.slip does not match the server
Hosting was performed incorrectly, or the configuration file belongs to another server.
The file lock (rkv-bst-appd2) does not match the server lock (rkv-bst-appd1).
2008-03-26 21:06:16,250 [main:info] Shutting down...
2008-03-26 21:06:16,250 [main:info] Stopped.


This is happens because the backup server has not been setup correctly, or the main license server was not hosted correctly to have a backup server. Follow the steps below to correct the issue on the backup server. Call Borland Support if your main license server was not setup to host a backup server.

1. Install the license server on both the primary and backup machines (do not start them yet).

2. On the backup machine, locate the $BLS$\conf\, and open it in an editor. You need to set/define the following properties (these properties are CASE SENSITIVE):

isBackupServer = true
masterHost = [primary server host name]
masterPort = 4467

3. Save the server_xxxxx.slip in the master $BLS$\conf directory. Do not save this file in the backup server.

4. Start the primary server using the Service.

5. The backup now must be started manually within 5 minutes of starting the master.

If the problem persists, please contact Borland Support

Author: Daniel Rice and Scott Moore

Old KB# 29033
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