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How to read mail using IMAP?

I want to read gmail mail using IMAP. I don't want to use third party dll or software.

How could I read mail??

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    Login: Username of the email account we are trying to access. Password: Password of the email account we are trying to access. 3. Click on the 'Forwarding and POP/IMAP' tab and make sure to select the 'Enable IMAP' option in the 'IMAP access' section.

    Internally IMAP server uses IMAP flag \UNSEEN (Flag. Unseen) to remember which messages were already read by user. If you are using GetMessageByUID to download email message or GetHeadersByUID to get only message headers, most IMAP servers will automatically mark such messages as seen.

    Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) is a protocol for accessing email or bulletin board messages from a (possibly shared) mail server or service. IMAP allows a client e-mail program to access remote message stores as if they were local.