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Not able to fetch color/style of Web element .Getting error

I need to retrieve  a web element color  and trying below  code

Style stys=appModel.StPage().PlayButton().getNativeObject().getProperty("style", Style.class);

But getting below exception. Please can someone help?

java.lang.ClassCastException: com.hp.lft.sdk.internal.DynamicObjectProxy cannot be cast to javax.swing.text.Style



  • Verified Answer


    I am able to solve the issue. Just to help others in case anyelse face same issue in future : 

    Style is again a native object so we need to do following to get color and other style properties

    NativeObject styleNativeObject =appModel.SagtPage().MessNumberPlayButton().getNativeObject().getProperty("style", NativeObject.class);
    System.out.println("Button Color is ::"+styleNativeObject.getProperty("color", String.class));