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Not able to Start UFT Developer Runtime engine

Got the latest Trail version UFT Developer Evaluation Sub SW E-LTU and installed on Windows 7.

But the Runtime Engine is not getting started.

Below mentioned runtime.log details.

Note : I observed that the error is occuring when it is trying to read the Certificate file. 

[2022-04-05T17:54:05.682] [INFO] LightWeight.Engine - lightweight server starting
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.684] [INFO] LightWeight.Engine - start :Started
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.685] [INFO] SettingsHelper - load : going to load settings
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.692] [INFO] SettingsHelper - load : loading userConfig file: C:\Users\258744\AppData\Local\LeanFT\config\config.json
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.696] [INFO] SettingsHelper - load : loaded settings from user config file: { usageTracking: false }
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.696] [INFO] SettingsHelper - load : loading globalConfig file: ./config/config.json
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.697] [INFO] SettingsHelper - load : loaded settings from global config file: {
version: 2,
port: 5095,
packages: {
Web: { isEnabled: true, subpackages: [Object] },
Mobile: { isEnabled: true },
SAPUI5: { isEnabled: false }
idle_shutdown_enabled: true,
idle_shutdown_timeout: 240,
identification_timeout: 20,
proxyInfo: {
proxyAddress: null,
useAuthentication: false,
userName: 'user',
encryptedPassword: '0SWoxfcgI8AwDTlJKrk8aA=='
labs: {
mobileCenter: { serverInfo: [Object], showVncDuringReplay: false },
srf: { serverInfo: [Object], showVncDuringReplay: false }
capabilities: {},
maxLicensesAllowed: 1,
usageTracking: false,
AI: {
enabled: true,
useDetectCache: true,
ocr: { languages: 'en' },
autoScroll: { enabled: true, direction: 'down', maxScrolls: 2 }
nativeConnectTimeout: 60000,
lweNativeReconnectRetries: 90,
licenseServerConnectionTimeout: 120000
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.699] [INFO] OsRecognizer - Going to determine OS.
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.699] [INFO] OsRecognizer - OS is Windows.
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.699] [INFO] LightWeight.Engine - _getActiveSettings : overridingSettings: {}
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.699] [INFO] LightWeight.Engine - _getActiveSettings : defaultSettings: {
labManager: {
useLocalLabManager: true,
environments: [ 'web', 'mobile', 'desktop' ]
leaveLweViewerBackEndRunningForPerformance: true,
addLocalContext: true,
role: 'local'
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.701] [INFO] SettingsUpgrader - upgradeToVersion1: upgrading user settings
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.702] [INFO] SettingsUpgrader - upgradeToVersion2: upgrading user settings
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.703] [INFO] LightWeight.Engine - Using settings {"labManager":{"useLocalLabManager":true,"environments":["web","mobile","desktop"]},"leaveLweViewerBackEndRunningForPerformance":true,"addLocalContext":true,"role":"local","version":2,"port":5095,"packages":{"Web":{"isEnabled":true,"subpackages":{"AgGrid":{"isEnabled":false},"UiGrid":{"isEnabled":false}}},"Mobile":{"isEnabled":true},"SAPUI5":{"isEnabled":false}},"idle_shutdown_enabled":true,"idle_shutdown_timeout":240,"identification_timeout":20,"proxyInfo":{"proxyAddress":null,"useAuthentication":false,"userName":"user","encryptedPassword":"0SWoxfcgI8AwDTlJKrk8aA=="},"labs":{"mobileCenter":{"serverInfo":{"address":null,"user":"","encryptedPassword":"0SWoxfcgI8AwDTlJKrk8aA==","useProxy":false,"ignoreCertificatesErrors":false},"showVncDuringReplay":false},"srf":{"serverInfo":{"clientID":null,"encryptedClientSecret":"0SWoxfcgI8AwDTlJKrk8aA==","address":null,"useProxy":false,"ignoreCertificatesErrors":false},"showVncDuringReplay":false}},"capabilities":{},"maxLicensesAllowed":1,"usageTracking":false,"AI":{"enabled":true,"useDetectCache":true,"ocr":{"languages":"en"},"autoScroll":{"enabled":true,"direction":"down","maxScrolls":2}},"nativeConnectTimeout":60000,"lweNativeReconnectRetries":90,"licenseServerConnectionTimeout":120000,"type":"literal"}
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.710] [INFO] LightWeight.Dispatcher - init Started
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.710] [INFO] LightWeight.Dispatcher - init : Going to initialize with native runtime
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.710] [INFO] NativeProcessWatchDog - getNativeExecutable : Going to use the following product root C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\UFT Developer
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.710] [INFO] NativeProcessWatchDog - Going to launch the native runtime C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\UFT Developer\bin\LFTRuntime.exe with the following args: [ '10388' ]
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.716] [INFO] NativeProcessWatchDog - c'tor : Going to launch the native with the following port 58861
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.763] [INFO] NativeProcessWatchDog - c'tor : Native was launched and its pid is : 10492
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.764] [INFO] NativeProcessWatchDog - c'tor : Before resolve
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.765] [INFO] LightWeight.Dispatcher - registering target: LicenseManager
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.767] [INFO] LightWeight.Dispatcher - registering target: TrayIconManager
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.768] [INFO] IdleShutdownHandler - Idle shutdown mechanism is enabled, timeout is: 240 minutes
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.769] [INFO] Engine.ChannelManager - createDirectListener: started. serverName: PackageManager . msgFormat: internal
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.770] [INFO] DirectChannelListener - DirectChannelListener.init: initializing Direct Channel for server of tunnel LWE-PMR
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.770] [INFO] DirectChannel - init direct channel server for tunnel LWE-PMR
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.770] [INFO] LicenseManager - check license mode
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.770] [INFO] LicenseManager - launching license wrapper process
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.783] [INFO] Engine.ChannelManager - registerChannel : Registering channel LicenseWrapper as Listener
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.783] [INFO] Engine.ChannelManager - registerChannel : Registering channel LicenseWrapper as Listener Client Type is LicenseWrapper Stored data: {
serverName: 'LicenseWrapper',
adapter: InternalAdapter {
logger: Logger {
category: 'InternalAdapter',
context: {},
parseCallStack: [Function: defaultParseCallStack]
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.784] [INFO] Engine.ChannelManager - registerChannelListenerHelper: channelType: 0 . channelName: LicenseWrapper . additionalProps: {
serverPort: 5095,
channelSpecificProps: {},
msgFormat: 'internal',
defaultClientType: 'SDK',
socketOptions: { clientVerifier: [Function: verifyHandshake] }
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.784] [INFO] Engine.ChannelManager - createWebSocketListener: started. serverName: LicenseWrapper . serverPort: 5095 . msgFormat: internal socket options { clientVerifier: [Function: verifyHandshake] }
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.785] [INFO] WSServer - c'tor: Going to create server with the following options: {
clientVerifier: [Function: verifyHandshake],
getAuthenticationInfoCB: [Function: bound getWebsocketAuthenticationInfo],
useSecure: false
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.787] [INFO] WSServer - server start on Port: 5095
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.788] [INFO] Engine.ChannelManager - registerChannelListenerHelper : Going to register the info {
channelType: 0,
port: 5095,
defaultClientType: 'SDK',
serverName: 'LicenseWrapper'
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.789] [INFO] LightWeight.Dispatcher - init: FInished launch of native runtime
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.789] [INFO] Engine.ChannelManager - registerChannel : Registering channel LftRuntime as Client
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.789] [INFO] Engine.ChannelManager - registerChannel : Registering channel LftRuntime as Client Client Type is LftRuntime Stored data: { serverName: 'LftRuntime', adapter: EmptyAdapter {} }
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.790] [INFO] LightWeight.Dispatcher - init: Setting the native-port to 58861
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.790] [INFO] LightWeight.Dispatcher - registering target: NativeServer
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.791] [INFO] Engine.ChannelManager - registerChannelHelper: channelType: 0 . channelName: LftRuntime
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.793] [INFO] LightWeight.Dispatcher - registering target: SettingsManager
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.793] [INFO] LightWeight.Dispatcher - registering target: SessionManager
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.794] [INFO] LightWeight.Dispatcher - registering target: AutManager
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.795] [INFO] LightWeight.Dispatcher - registering target: ReplayManager
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.798] [INFO] LightWeight.Dispatcher - registering target: SpyManager
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.799] [INFO] LightWeight.Dispatcher - registering target: RecordManager
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.799] [INFO] LightWeight.Dispatcher - registering target: LabManager
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.800] [INFO] LightWeight.Dispatcher - registering target: VncViewersManager
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.800] [INFO] LabManager - initLabHelpers Going to initialize the lab helpers according to the following settings: {
mobileCenter: {
serverInfo: {
address: null,
user: '',
encryptedPassword: '0SWoxfcgI8AwDTlJKrk8aA==',
useProxy: false,
ignoreCertificatesErrors: false
showVncDuringReplay: false
srf: {
serverInfo: {
clientID: null,
encryptedClientSecret: '0SWoxfcgI8AwDTlJKrk8aA==',
address: null,
useProxy: false,
ignoreCertificatesErrors: false
showVncDuringReplay: false
} and with proxy {
proxyAddress: null,
useAuthentication: false,
userName: 'user',
encryptedPassword: '0SWoxfcgI8AwDTlJKrk8aA=='
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.800] [INFO] LabManager - initLabHelpers : Initializing the default lab helper
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.800] [INFO] LabManager - initLabHelpers : going create lab helper for mobileCenter
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.801] [INFO] LabManager - initLabHelpers : going create lab helper for srf
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.802] [INFO] ContextProvider - registerCapabilityMatcher : The environment Browser has special capabilities matcher for section web
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.803] [INFO] LightWeight.Dispatcher - registering target: ReportManager
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.803] [INFO] LightWeight.Dispatcher - registering target: LweInfoManager
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.803] [INFO] LightWeight.Dispatcher - registering target: UsageTrackingManager
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.888] [ERROR] LightWeight.Engine - Exception during load Error: Package exports for 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\UFT Developer\lwe\lightweight-engine\node_modules\selenium-webdriver\node_modules\ws' do not define a '.' subpath
at resolveExports (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:414:17)
at Function.Module._findPath (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:487:20)
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:782:27)
at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:688:27)
at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:850:19)
at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:74:18)
at Object.<anonymous> (C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\UFT Developer\lwe\lightweight-engine\node_modules\selenium-webdriver\lib\webdriver.js:33:19)
at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:958:30)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:994:10)
at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:813:32) {
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.889] [INFO] Engine.ChannelManager - onListening: listening to: LicenseWrapper
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.890] [INFO] LightWeight.Dispatcher - onListening: got listening event from { target: 'LicenseWrapper' }
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.891] [WARN] Engine.ChannelManager - getCertificatesFromFolder: failed to read contents of certificates folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\UFT Developer\certificates. error: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\UFT Developer\certificates'
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.891] [INFO] Engine.ChannelManager - connectToWebSocketServer: started. serverAddress: ws://localhost:58861 . channelName: LftRuntime . msgFormat: empty
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.892] [INFO] WSCommunicationChannel - connect: Going to connect to ws://localhost:58861, options:{"ca":[],"reconnectRetries":90,"reconnectInterval":500}
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.940] [INFO] LightWeight.Dispatcher - closeProcess() function called, exiting...
[2022-04-05T17:54:05.940] [INFO] LicenseManager - onBeforeClose: releasing license
[2022-04-05T17:54:06.923] [WARN] ChannelHelper - Error reported from channel 0 : Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1129:14) {
errno: -4078,
syscall: 'connect',
address: '',
port: 58861
[2022-04-05T17:54:06.923] [INFO] ChannelHelper - _cleanPendingRequests: number of pending requests is 0
[2022-04-05T17:54:06.923] [ERROR] WSCommunicationChannel - _onError: Got error while trying to connect to ws://localhost:58861 : connect ECONNREFUSED
[2022-04-05T17:54:06.924] [INFO] ChannelHelper - Channel close. ChannelId:0
[2022-04-05T17:54:06.924] [INFO] ChannelHelper - _cleanPendingRequests: number of pending requests is 0
[2022-04-05T17:54:06.924] [INFO] WSCommunicationChannel - _onClose : Disconnected from ws://localhost:58861
[2022-04-05T17:54:06.924] [INFO] WSCommunicationChannel - _onClose : not waiting before reconnect since more than 0.5 seconds passed since last connect. reconnect attempt # 1 out of 90
[2022-04-05T17:54:06.925] [INFO] WSCommunicationChannel - connect: Going to connect to ws://localhost:58861, options:{"ca":[],"reconnectRetries":90,"reconnectInterval":500}
[2022-04-05T17:54:08.072] [WARN] ChannelHelper - Error reported from channel 0 : Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1129:14) {
errno: -4078,
syscall: 'connect',
address: '',
port: 58861
[2022-04-05T17:54:08.072] [INFO] ChannelHelper - _cleanPendingRequests: number of pending requests is 0
[2022-04-05T17:54:08.072] [ERROR] WSCommunicationChannel - _onError: Got error while trying to connect to ws://localhost:58861 : connect ECONNREFUSED
[2022-04-05T17:54:08.072] [INFO] ChannelHelper - Channel close. ChannelId:0
[2022-04-05T17:54:08.072] [INFO] ChannelHelper - _cleanPendingRequests: number of pending requests is 0
[2022-04-05T17:54:08.072] [INFO] WSCommunicationChannel - _onClose : Disconnected from ws://localhost:58861
[2022-04-05T17:54:08.072] [INFO] WSCommunicationChannel - _onClose : not waiting before reconnect since more than 0.5 seconds passed since last connect. reconnect attempt # 2 out of 90
[2022-04-05T17:54:08.073] [INFO] WSCommunicationChannel - connect: Going to connect to ws://localhost:58861, options:{"ca":[],"reconnectRetries":90,"reconnectInterval":500}
[2022-04-05T17:54:09.172] [WARN] ChannelHelper - Error reported from channel 0 : Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1129:14) {
errno: -4078,
syscall: 'connect',
address: '',
port: 58861
[2022-04-05T17:54:09.172] [INFO] ChannelHelper - _cleanPendingRequests: number of pending requests is 0
[2022-04-05T17:54:09.172] [ERROR] WSCommunicationChannel - _onError: Got error while trying to connect to ws://localhost:58861 : connect ECONNREFUSED
[2022-04-05T17:54:09.172] [INFO] ChannelHelper - Channel close. ChannelId:0
[2022-04-05T17:54:09.172] [INFO] ChannelHelper - _cleanPendingRequests: number of pending requests is 0
[2022-04-05T17:54:09.173] [INFO] WSCommunicationChannel - _onClose : Disconnected from ws://localhost:58861
[2022-04-05T17:54:09.173] [INFO] WSCommunicationChannel - _onClose : not waiting before reconnect since more than 0.5 seconds passed since last connect. reconnect attempt # 3 out of 90
[2022-04-05T17:54:09.173] [INFO] WSCommunicationChannel - connect: Going to connect to ws://localhost:58861, options:{"ca":[],"reconnectRetries":90,"reconnectInterval":500}
[2022-04-05T17:54:09.543] [INFO] WSServer - _onVerifyConnection : Got connection from ::ffff:
[2022-04-05T17:54:09.547] [INFO] Engine.ChannelManager - getWebsocketAuthenticationInfo : Started for websocket on LicenseWrapper
[2022-04-05T17:54:09.548] [INFO] Engine.ChannelManager - getWebsocketAuthenticationInfo : Got connection for client type SDK
[2022-04-05T17:54:09.548] [INFO] Engine.ChannelManager - getWebsocketAuthenticationInfo : Going to use the defult channel data for this channel
[2022-04-05T17:54:09.551] [INFO] Engine.ChannelManager - onConnect : got connection from LicenseWrapper with id: 0
[2022-04-05T17:54:09.551] [INFO] Engine.ChannelManager - onConnect : Going to use the defult channel data for this channel
[2022-04-05T17:54:09.551] [INFO] LightWeight.Dispatcher - onConnect: Got connection from { target: 'SDK_0' }
[2022-04-05T17:54:10.272] [WARN] ChannelHelper - Error reported from channel 0 : Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1129:14) {
errno: -4078,
syscall: 'connect',
address: '',
port: 58861
[2022-04-05T17:54:10.272] [INFO] ChannelHelper - _cleanPendingRequests: number of pending requests is 0
[2022-04-05T17:54:10.272] [ERROR] WSCommunicationChannel - _onError: Got error while trying to connect to ws://localhost:58861 : connect ECONNREFUSED
[2022-04-05T17:54:10.272] [INFO] ChannelHelper - Channel close. ChannelId:0
[2022-04-05T17:54:10.272] [INFO] ChannelHelper - _cleanPendingRequests: number of pending requests is 0
[2022-04-05T17:54:10.273] [INFO] WSCommunicationChannel - _onClose : Disconnected from ws://localhost:58861
[2022-04-05T17:54:10.273] [INFO] WSCommunicationChannel - _onClose : not waiting before reconnect since more than 0.5 seconds passed since last connect. reconnect attempt # 4 out of 90
[2022-04-05T17:54:10.273] [INFO] WSCommunicationChannel - connect: Going to connect to ws://localhost:58861, options:{"ca":[],"reconnectRetries":90,"reconnectInterval":500}
[2022-04-05T17:54:11.340] [INFO] WSServer - _onVerifyConnection : Got connection from ::1
[2022-04-05T17:54:11.340] [INFO] Engine.ChannelManager - getWebsocketAuthenticationInfo : Started for websocket on LicenseWrapper
[2022-04-05T17:54:11.340] [INFO] Engine.ChannelManager - getWebsocketAuthenticationInfo : Got connection for client type LicenseWrapper
[2022-04-05T17:54:11.341] [INFO] Engine.ChannelManager - onConnect : got connection from LicenseWrapper with id: 1
[2022-04-05T17:54:11.341] [INFO] LightWeight.Dispatcher - onConnect: Got connection from { target: 'LicenseWrapper_1' }
[2022-04-05T17:54:11.372] [WARN] ChannelHelper - Error reported from channel 0 : Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1129:14) {
errno: -4078,
syscall: 'connect',
address: '',
port: 58861
[2022-04-05T17:54:11.372] [INFO] ChannelHelper - _cleanPendingRequests: number of pending requests is 0
[2022-04-05T17:54:11.372] [ERROR] WSCommunicationChannel - _onError: Got error while trying to connect to ws://localhost:58861 : connect ECONNREFUSED
[2022-04-05T17:54:11.372] [INFO] ChannelHelper - Channel close. ChannelId:0
[2022-04-05T17:54:11.372] [INFO] ChannelHelper - _cleanPendingRequests: number of pending requests is 0
[2022-04-05T17:54:11.372] [INFO] WSCommunicationChannel - _onClose : Disconnected from ws://localhost:58861
[2022-04-05T17:54:11.372] [INFO] WSCommunicationChannel - _onClose : not waiting before reconnect since more than 0.5 seconds passed since last connect. reconnect attempt # 5 out of 90
[2022-04-05T17:54:11.374] [INFO] WSCommunicationChannel - connect: Going to connect to ws://localhost:58861, options:{"ca":[],"reconnectRetries":90,"reconnectInterval":500}
[2022-04-05T17:54:11.594] [INFO] LicenseManager - license info: {
mode: 'Concurrent',
type: 'No License',
expiry: 'expired',
licenseAmount: 0
[2022-04-05T17:54:11.594] [INFO] LftStrategyFacade - init : called with info: {
mode: 'Concurrent',
type: 'No License',
expiry: 'expired',
licenseAmount: 0
[2022-04-05T17:54:11.594] [INFO] LftStrategyFacade - init : returning LftFlexibleLicenseModelStrategy.
[2022-04-05T17:54:11.596] [INFO] UsageTrackingManager - onLicenseServerReady : received
[2022-04-05T17:54:11.596] [INFO] UsageTrackingManager - onLicenseServerReady : tracking is not enabled, won't create the UsageDataSender
[2022-04-05T17:54:11.625] [INFO] ChannelHelper - Channel close. ChannelId:0
[2022-04-05T17:54:11.625] [INFO] ChannelHelper - _cleanPendingRequests: number of pending requests is 0
[2022-04-05T17:54:11.625] [INFO] WrappedChannel - Channel close. ChannelId:0
[2022-04-05T17:54:11.625] [INFO] LightWeight.Dispatcher - onDisconnect: disconnected from { target: 'SDK_0' }
[2022-04-05T17:54:11.625] [INFO] SessionManager - onClientDisconnected: eventInfo: { client: { target: 'SDK_0' }, additionalInfo: {} }
[2022-04-05T17:54:11.626] [INFO] ContextProvider - onClientDisconnected : Going to remove the following environments []
[2022-04-05T17:54:11.639] [INFO] FlexibleLicenseModelStrategy - marking license as invalid