Please can someone show me how to locate the test results in tfile explorer for UFT Developer when it runs in Visual studio?
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Please can someone show me how to locate the test results in tfile explorer for UFT Developer when it runs in Visual studio?
I believe that there is some useful information on below document
Could you please provide more details on what do you want to achieve?
I am looking for the directory, where the .csv ot .xml file of the test results are located e.g. C:\USER\NAME\SOURCE\REPOS\UFT_DEVLOPER\TEST_RESULTS . Please is there anything like that?
There is an xml with the test result for each testing project, it is located in the directory of the test project, for example, for a UFT Developer Testing Project written in IntelliJ and named Test1, the xml test result file should be located in C:\Users\<USER>\IdeaProjects\Test1\RunResults\runresults.xml.
Alternatively, you can specifiy a different location where the xml file should be generated by changing the targetDirectory property in the resources\ config file generated in the UFT Developer testing project.