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Answer a call on mobile


I'm trying to answer a call on the mobile device (Android / iOS).

As far as I know, it doesn't exist a common method that could help to answer a call, so I'm trying to manage it performing swiping, tapping, etc. on the android phone app without luck. Moreover different phone brand have different call answering option (swiping left to right, up to down, etc.).

Any suggestion?



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    Can you please elaborate why you need to really answer a call during the mobile application testing? if its in order to check how the application behaves when the user is answering a phone call while working with the application, please try to use the phone call simulation feature in the VNC control panel or as a function from UFT one?



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    The call answer is part of the mobile application logic that is under test. So it should be managed from the automation. 

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    Do you mean that the application under test is communicating with the phone application (which is OS application) and they exchange information with each other? what information they exchange?

    I suggest that you will open a support case for this issue , so we can further investigate and ensure that all your testings requirements will be covered.



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    the application under test performs a call to identify the user and allows to log in after inserting a personal code.

    I'd need to automate this process.

    I'll open a case for this.

