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Erro 500 - Instalação de aplicativo via API rest/apps/install

Mesmo com o a requisição correta está retornando erro 500. A instalação do aplicativo é realizada com sucesso, mas o retorno da API é "Server Error".

"success" e "failure" são retornados vazios.

Body: {"app": {"counter": 2183, "id": "com.teste", "instrumented": true, "uuid": "afa4a29c-7095-4fe6-88ac-0c1901b1490d"}, "deviceCapabilities": {"udid": "8a5d4eef"}}

Request{method=POST, url=https://mobilecenter.client/rest/apps/install} Unexpected code Response{protocol=http/1.1, code=500, message=Server Error, url=https://mobilecenter.client/rest/apps/install}
{"devices":{"success":[],"failure":[]},"app":{"instrumented":true, "counter":2183, "id":"com.teste", "uuid":"com.teste", "name":"testedebug", "version":"1242"}, "status":false}

  • 0  

    Hi Matheus,

    Can you provide the full request? (including headers)
    The 500 error means that something went wrong from the server-side. To understand what happened we need to review the server logs. You may open a Support case to have the logs reviewed by MF Support.

    I just tried this using UFTM 3.5 and it worked fine from my side:


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    Olá Alvaro, obrigado por responder!

    Tentei a solicitação via Postman, mas aconteceu o mesmo problema.

    Segue os dados da solicitação:

    POST /rest/apps/install HTTP/1.1
    Host: mobilecenter.teste:443
    Content-Type: application/json
    x-hp4msecret: 80ce1e20-db61-49e3-9525-860ef1f5a7ca
    JSESSIONID: 1obb7fy0dik3j11tjr5yrbe6sb
    User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.13.0
    Accept: */*
    Cache-Control: no-cache
    Postman-Token: e562c79f-167e-4a25-a9f7-f95d52444c35,1ee0f0f1-63d8-4d6a-81f4-9ec61024461f
    Host: mobilecenter.teste:443
    cookie: hp4msecret=80ce1e20-db61-49e3-9525-860ef1f5a7ca; JSESSIONID=1obb7fy0dik3j11tjr5yrbe6sb; HPSSO_COOKIE_CSRF=31a82lam5vruca6531o4p5i1pf; LWSSO_COOKIE_KEY=Q3NlKwabAwTESTEVdEtWIZccu8pavLPQ3xgUv4osLL0w3UAHlhxEiJVtmvpQAOhpsjjEIklV-bRaHhhkmKKjoBtTZbdKgNZWrFu0R4zy6u0iKIsdcYv3joResOltX5hx6LqqjG2NgoOsGBQPtm4UTsner_1nZo44nfQJB6hTqdc2AyMHeKOre3matgU1RO_R7QNS2Yqqh2W48geccp4uLAWzqJFAFwjNlmfX9bZ8PRka6RWS25CvhhcybNyGaladpgReVq3n2orUPPUsTrUsZbrcshCY5u1ReoGOYjdynizyAMoa6A_C6JWeUYcE5W8U7mVmQHia7nF8Zlvepr6r9pWf-qw1oui2JKqogYA5nE26dUBQGEphUOg7wObzKNR9hMnM9Se44MCxaz3ZSD11_wTvchSWQxaJ3o5mbxKQdRhDsVODRsvlnSSBifGWl9FjAmIb7mE1xd7IFBoMP9l3Rqw..; TENANT_ID_COOKIE=999999999
    accept-encoding: gzip, deflate
    content-length: 199
    Connection: keep-alive
    cache-control: no-cache

    "app": {
    "counter": 0,
    "id": "com.teste",
    "instrumented": true,
    "uuid": "cfb07ce7-37db-452b-be4e-6d16358365a9"
    "deviceCapabilities": {
    "udid": "8a5d4eef"


    Resposta: 500 Server Error







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    Hi Matheus,

    I tried a few other scenarios; nevertheless, I am unable to reproduce this behavior.
    Could you please open a Support case with the Server logs?
