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Erros on Packaged Apps


So we upload some diferent build to mobile center. Both Android and IOS from our App.

At the beginning all builds where whit options to change packaged or no packaged. Now we go error, and diferent tyes:

For Android - 2802

For IOS - 2810

Im not understanding very well what is this about. But i guess you have to re-sign your apps or something. So try to force the packaged, clicking on the cube but don't do nothing (eventually will time out). IOS same thing.

At the configs i go the port 8083. IOS no ip yet (waiting for the MAC machine, port 8080).

Need some suport in terms of undrestanding a bit more about this, because before the APK send to Mobile Center all go packaged and no packaged versions.

DEV team also make some changes from in the process of compiling the IPA anda APK. That could be the probelm?

Here the example (Android))




  • 0

    Hi Rik,

    For the Android packing you will need to check the ApkInfuser log to understand why the packing fails.

    For the iOS packing , it will only work after you install the iOS packaging service on a MAC machine and configure it correctly from Mobile Center setting so the MC server can communicate with it.

    I suggest that you will open a support case for this issue so we can further investigate the logs.




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    Hi ErezFiller,


    Thank you for the support.

    Where i can find the Apk Infuser logs? At the Mobile Center Server machine?

    For IOS im trying to follow the documentation on Mobile Center help. I extract the IOS packaging service but can´t find a .exe to install. BTW I'm still  learning how to work whit IOS/MAC, so some obvious things could be miss by me.

    Any other source whit examples/videos how to make the configurations?




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    Hi Rik,

    We will help you with all your issues until resolved, but we cannot do this via the forum.

    Are you evaluating Mobile Center, or you are an existing customer?



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    Hi Erez,

    We are a customer. I thought that would be more simple the connection of the IOS devices and the packaging of the app, but seems i'm wrong.

    I know 3.3 Mobile Center already have one feature for the IOS, making simple the sign packaging. But we are still whit 3.1 and don't going to change it for now.

    I will study a bit more, and try some tips on Mobile Center help. If we still don't manage to get all working and packaging the apps we will open a support ticket.

    I will also make a suggestion to put some videos, whit step by step about Mobile Center and IOS Devices/App. Since you have a lot more to concerned about and configuration. Would help for sure, specially if you don't are a person whit knowledge of Mac/Ios SO's.




    Edit:  About the Android packaging i found the log:


    com.hp.instrumentation.common.ApkInfuserException: main dex is too big - unable to get all the classes in
    at com.hp.instrumentation.common.dex.DalvikDexInstrumentationImpl.runInstrumentation(
    at com.hp.instrumentation.common.InfuserBase.infuse(
    at com.hp.instrumentation.common.InfuserBase.runInfusion(
    at com.hp.instrumentation.common.commands.CommandSelector.main(

    Jan 10, 2020 5:05:20 PM com.hp.instrumentation.common.utils.ApkUtils log
    INFO: An error has occurred. Contact HP Support, and provide the log file (C:\Program Files\Mobile Center Server\server\AndroidTools\ApkInfuser\log\ApkInfuser.log).
    Jan 10, 2020 5:05:20 PM com.hp.instrumentation.common.utils.ApkUtils log
    INFO: Exiting with code: ERROR(-1)

    Open ticket whit log attached?

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    Hi RIk,

    I would recommend to install MC 3.1 patch 7 , it should resolve the packing issue, or upgrade to UFTM 3.3 and also gain the new feature of the iOS packing service installation.




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    I have the same problem,  can you provide any solution?


    jun 23, 2020 3:19:30 PM com.hp.instrumentation.common.utils.ApkUtils logException
    com.hp.instrumentation.common.ApkInfuserException: main dex is too big - unable to get all the classes in
    at com.hp.instrumentation.common.dex.DalvikDexInstrumentationImpl.runInstrumentation(
    at com.hp.instrumentation.common.InfuserBase.infuse(
    at com.hp.instrumentation.common.InfuserBase.runInfusion(
    at com.hp.instrumentation.common.commands.CommandSelector.main(

    jun 23, 2020 3:19:30 PM com.hp.instrumentation.common.utils.ApkUtils log
    INFO: An error has occurred. Contact HP Support, and provide the log file (C:\MicroFocus\MobileCenterServer\server\AndroidTools\ApkInfuser\log\ApkInfuser.log).
    jun 23, 2020 3:19:30 PM com.hp.instrumentation.common.utils.ApkUtils log
    INFO: Exiting with code: ERROR(-1)



    I appreciate any comment.


    Carlos Acosta

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    Hi Carlos,

    I appreciate if you can provide us the application so we can understand why the instrumentation process is failing.

    Did you open a support case on this topic?



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    Hello Erez,

    Thanks for your answer.  I send you an email with link to download apk.

    I will open a case with support team, but any help is very appreciated.

    Thanks a lot.

    Carlos Acosta

  • Verified Answer

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    Hi Carlos,

    I verified with MC 3.3GA and Mc 3.3 Patch 3 and the only thing needed in this case to sign the application is to change the property global.enableART to true in the file (usually located under C:\Program Files\Mobile Center Server\server\AndroidTools\ApkInfuser on Windows or /opt/mc/server/AndroidTools/ApkInfuser in Linux).

    Once you do that, you need to load the application again using the “Auto-package” option and it should package now without issues (manual packaging will work as well).

    There is no need to restart MC after the change.


    Lulu Rolfe