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UFT mobile add-in for local devices throw unexpected error when launching a recording

Hi Experts, 

I have installed UFT mobile add-in for local devices since i did not purchase Mobile Center license and im using currently doing automation on android using emulators. The issue is when i launch a record, it throws me this error [as attached]. Can you help me figure this things out and i attache together mobile add-in logs


Thank you !

  • 0


    Could you please confirm the emulator you are using? Currently, we only support Genymotion and Android SDK (

    If you are using one of them, please attach as well the UFT logs on debug mode along with a new set of the UFTM Add-in logs (to have corresponding times with both sets of logs).

    To configure the UFT logs, please follow these steps:

    Configure for all UFT related issues (UFT Core).

    IMPORTANT: Below steps are for <UFT>\bin\log.config.xml.

    1. Ensure having Read/Write permissions on <UFT>\bin
    2. Create copy/backup of Xml configuration file.  
    3. Open text editor the Xml configuration file.
    4. Save file to Desktop. Note: This is in case you do not have direct writing permissions on the mentioned path (cannot modify directly but can replace files)
    5. If the reproduction scenario is random and/or requires long executions, increase the value of maxSizeRollBackups accordingly:
      • Hours long: <maxSizeRollBackups value="100" />
      • Days long: <maxSizeRollBackups value="1000" />
    6. Change the "level value" under "root" tag to DEBUG (instead of ERROR
        <level value="DEBUG" />
        <appender-ref ref="RollingFileAppender" />
    7. Make sure all appender-ref element values are set to "RollingFileAppender":
        <level value="DEBUG" />
        <appender-ref ref="RollingFileAppender" />
    8. Save changes done on Xml configuration file (saved on Desktop).
    9. Copy file from Desktop (one just modified/saved), and replace same file under <UFT>\bin folder
    10. Restart UFT for changes to take effect.
    11. (Optional) To rollback changes, simply replace file under <UFT>\bin with backup/copy done at step 2

    Configure for all MC related issues:

    1. Setup DEBUG mode for UFT Core related logs.
    2. Set "level value" to DEBUG, under "LogCatPackMobile" logger:
      <logger name="LogCatPackMobile">
        <level value="DEBUG" />
        <appender-ref ref="RollingFileAppender_Mobile" />
    3. Use steps 7 to 10 from UFT Core related logs.
    4. Collect both UFT and MC logs.
