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iOS Device - MC launch failed with a pop-up message "application could not be installed or launched"

Device under test details:

Device : iPhone SE

iOS Version : 13.5.1


Tool Used:

UFT 14.50

UFT mobile Add-in for local device (Powered by mobile center) (3.30)

Install Patch 3


The following apps re-signed successfully with a development certificate

  • Agent
  • Agent Launcher  
  • WebDriverAgent Runner-Runner
  • WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner_xcode9


The UFTM Agent and UFTM runner apps are now installed automatically on the device, and the device can be detected in MC device panel, screenshot (3 & 4) attached

But, I am facing an error  after the MC instance start -  (screenshot 1 & 2), 

Popo-up message in MC "application could not be installed or launched" and in UFT level pop-up message "the application is not installed on the device or it was not properly prepared for testing [error 1103]"
