I have UFT Digital Lab version 2023 running with LDAP and SSO and I'm trying to test with Appium but no matter the combination of tools/capabilities, I always get a 404 Unauthorized.
Here are the capabilities:
"uftm:oauthClientId": "oauth2-HaokDr1MHILQyTrF@microfocus.com",
"uftm:oauthClientSecret": "5RVXoQ0Db1ou3fv2X2i",
"uftm:tenantId": "999999999",
"appium:udid": "00008110-000958229192EEA1E",
"browserName": "Safari",
"platformName": "iOS",
"appium:bundleId": "com.apple.Safari",
"appium:automationName": "XCUITest"
I've tried with Appium Inspector and python (using the sample here). I've combed thru the capabilities for UFT 2023and other forum posts without success.
When I download the Appium logs from the GUI they only show heartbeat type messages so this must be at the level before Appium would execute.
So, is it possible to authenticate with the Access Keys of type "Execution" on a server that has both LDAP and SSO enabled? Where can I go to check out what is happening with this authentication error?
Thanks in advance!