Unable to open left drawer present on screen. Flutter based Apk.

I've flutter based APK in which I'm unable to open Left Drawer neither by using Object Spy nor by AI. Kindly help cause this thing is pending for a long-while now.

Here's the two screenshot which displays Dashboard in which "Hello Infinity" is displayed and when someone clicks on User Display Picture the left drawer gets opened in which "Good Afternoon Infinity" is displayed.

Thanks in advance.

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    Can the user display picture be recognized as a mobile object? If it can, then a potential solution is for you to get the coordinates and width/height of that object, using getroproperty and calculates the center of the object(abs_x+width/2, abs_y+height/2), then use Device.Touch to send touch to that location.

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    Hey StickyFingaz, user display logo cannot be identified using object spy & accordingly send a click to it and that was my first ever attempt to achieve it. Kindly help me with some another solution.

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    Hey StickyFingaz, awaiting your response.

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    Could you share the spy result of the user display logo and also the elements nearby, the text "Hello" for example.

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    "Class Name:=MobileObject",


    "Class Name:=MobileObject",
    "accessibilityid:=Hello ",


    Hey StickyFingaz, 

    I've shared you the User Display Object Spy result and Hello text Object Spy result. 

    Also don't you think this small thing taking longer than usual cause you replied me here after 6 days or we can schedule a Quick meet & close it on that same call.

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    So it looks like the Hello object can be recognized, I would suggest the same solution but to estimate an offset based on the coordinates of the Hello object.

    One other thing is that you might be having a wrong expectation for community, which is for people to help each other. We just like other non-OT participants only try our best to help with our knowledge when we have the time and chance, it is not expected that someone will follow your thread on a timely basis.

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    I also want to highlight that if you are a paid customer that is entitled to UFT Digital Lab and the issue is urgent, it would be recommended that you raise a support ticket with us, our technical support will assist you accordingly.

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    So it looks like the Hello object can be recognized, I would suggest the same solution but to estimate an offset based on the coordinates of the Hello object.
    =>I don't know how to set an offset based on coordinates of the Hello object. Please give me one of the example to this problem.

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    When double checking the spy result it looks like the profile picture can also be identified.

    It cannot be highlighted after being spied?

    What if you run "Device.Touch 210, 90" on this page, does the left drawer open?

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    The object which I'm getting after Object Spy is not getting Highlighted & so not getting clicked manually & also I tried with running from UFT One ( Device("Device_2").App("App_2").MobileObject("MobileObject_5").Tap) this line.

    Also (Device("micclass:=Device").Touch 21090) this line is also not doing anything.