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iOS Packaging Service failing to code sign AUT | MC 3.1


I am trying to setup iOS packaging service for MC 3.1

I followed all required steps to setup packaging service and it also got connected with MC 3.1 server. However, when app is uploaded on server, code signing is failing on the MAC machine. I also tried to run it manually using with same certificate (but this is via keychain) and mobile provision files and it worked correctly.

Please advise.

Below logs -

2019-08-27_15:06:52.923 INFO  c.h.m.p.i.IosInstrumentationProvider - About to instrument application. /Users/prpandey/Desktop/MC310-16862_iOSSigningService/Agent/HPMCEnabler /var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/T/1566898612848-0/temp.ipa--inject/Users/prpandey/Desktop/MC310-16862_iOSSigningService/Agent/HPMobileCenter.dylib--codesign/Users/prpandey/Desktop/Service/ios_development.cer -p /Users/prpandey/Desktop/Service/AllApps.mobileprovision

2019-08-27_15:07:08.534 ERROR c.h.m.p.i.IosInstrumentationProvider - Instrumentation process failed, exit code = 103 and output = Unzipping the ipa

Injecting dylib

Patching app binary

Adding itunes file sharing key to info.plist

Adding instrumentation version ( to info.plist

Codesigning app

Codesigning app failed


AUDIT | ERROR | event: instrument | time: 2019-08-27_15:07:08.536 | component: instrumentation | destination: | correlation: 20b787d4-714f-4807-b527-3816b2a17ea1 | source: | command: /Users/prpandey/Desktop/MC310-16862_iOSSigningService/Agent/HPMCEnabler /var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/T/1566898612848-0/temp.ipa--inject/Users/prpandey/Desktop/MC310-16862_iOSSigningService/Agent/HPMobileCenter.dylib--codesign/Users/prpandey/Desktop/Service/ios_development.cer -p /Users/prpandey/Desktop/Service/AllApps.mobileprovision | result: failure | failedReason: HPMCENABLER_IOS_APP_CODESIGN_FAILED