I'm trying to set up a new API test on UFT11.53 to use WCF wsHttpBinding. Our Dotnet application uses an app.config file, and although I can find support documents that list option fields for security, this is not really helping. I'm not a webservice test expert and our resident webservice developer can't figure it out on UFT either - he can for WCFStorm. The Client side xml for calling this service from a .Net application looks like the below, I'd like step by step instructions for either using this file or setting the options to emulate it.
<binding name="WSHttpBinding_IUtility1" closeTimeout="00:01:00"
openTimeout="00:01:00" receiveTimeout="00:10:00" sendTimeout="00:01:00"
bypassProxyOnLocal="false" transactionFlow="false" hostNameComparisonMode="StrongWildcard"
maxBufferPoolSize="524288" maxReceivedMessageSize="65536"
messageEncoding="Text" textEncoding="utf-8" useDefaultWebProxy="true"
<readerQuotas maxDepth="32" maxStringContentLength="8192" maxArrayLength="16384"
maxBytesPerRead="4096" maxNameTableCharCount="16384" />
<reliableSession ordered="true" inactivityTimeout="00:10:00"
enabled="false" />
<security mode="Message">
<transport clientCredentialType="Windows" proxyCredentialType="None"
realm="" />
<message clientCredentialType="Certificate" negotiateServiceCredential="false"
algorithmSuite="Basic256Sha256Rsa15" establishSecurityContext="false" />