UFT 2023.4 - Application Object - RunOptions.RdpPasswordEncrypted seems doesn't work properly


I have a script to set the enable rdp for disconnected or lock computer to make UFT worked. With 2023.4 the password is not set.

I create the password using the Password Encoder tool and then copy the encrypted content and try to use it. This is the snippet of code:

Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") ' Create the Application object

qtApp.SetActiveAddins(Array("Web","Mobile","Terminal Emulators"))

qtApp.Launch ' Launch UFT
qtApp.Visible = False ' Set UFT to be NOT visible

qtApp.New 'A New Test is needed to enable the TE Options however it cannot be found.

'I'm going to instance the Options objects I need
set GenOpts = qtApp.Options
set TEOpts = GenOpts.TE
set MCOption = GenOpts.MCConnection
set RunOpts = GenOpts.Run

'Setting Options
GenOpts.Run.ImageCaptureForTestResults = "Always" 'Screen Capture = Always
TEOpts.CurrentEmulator = "Extra! 9.5" 'Terminal Emulator to use = Extra! 9.5

RunOpts.EnableRdp = true 'Flag EnableRdp
RunOpts.RdpUserName = "<DOMAIN>\<USERNAME>"  'For security reason here I hide the real Username
RunOpts.RdpPasswordEncrypted = "661e4199aa8be023a188684469eb6255c67a55d18ed2"   'Crypted Password created with Password Encoder tool


When I open UFT the password field is empty. 

Am I doing something wrong? It worked with 15.0.2 and 2021R1

Please let me know. Thank you.