UI Pro related issue

For micro focus UFT app (Version: 23.4, Build: 2023.4.0.1163) facing following issues:

1. UI Pro elements in UFT application not showing the properties in object repository (for a colleague of mine).

2. UIAPro OR - Top level in hierarchy is identified as UIAProWindow where as for other objects Session(SAP) is top most level. ON running same recorded step I am getting runtime error that UIAProWindow is not present in active screen but it is present.

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    HI Ayush,

    1. UI Pro elements in UFT application not showing the properties in object repository (for a colleague of mine).

    Are you sure you are referring to OR? Or maybe you want to say spy window?

    Please provide more information, also please attach some print screens to have a better understanding of the problem.

    Thank you.