we're facing in this issue using UFT One (23.4) with UFT Digital Lab (24.2) when user, after selected the device and app, try to launch the VNC emulator.
It seems some lack in parameter info for the TryConnectWebsocket function
2024-07-12 16:34:51,395 LogCatPackDigitalLab [ 1] DEBUG -> DeviceLabSession::ConnectWebSocket()
2024-07-12 16:34:51,399 LogCatPackDigitalLab [ 1] DEBUG -> WebSocketHelper::TryConnectWebsocket(endpoint = <Unknown>,connectionId = <Unknown>)
2024-07-12 16:35:12,555 LogCatPackDigitalLab [ 1] ERROR Impossibile modificare o eliminare un oggetto che è stato aggiunto utilizzando COM+ Admin SDK (Eccezione da HRESULT: 0x8004020E)
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x8004020E): Impossibile modificare o eliminare un oggetto che è stato aggiunto utilizzando COM+ Admin SDK (Eccezione da HRESULT: 0x8004020E)
in RemoteConnectionHelperIfsLib.IRemoteConnectionHelper3.ConnectToRemoteHost(RemoteConnectionRequestInfo connectionInfo)
in UFT.Lab.WebSocketHelper.WebSocketHelper.ConnectWebsocket(WSEndPoint endpoint)
in UFT.Lab.WebSocketHelper.WebSocketHelper.TryConnectWebsocket(WSEndPoint endpoint, Int32& connectionId)
2024-07-12 16:35:12,565 LogCatPackDigitalLab [ 1] DEBUG <- WebSocketHelper::TryConnectWebsocket
2024-07-12 16:35:12,580 LogCatPackDigitalLab [ 1] ERROR [7005] - Failed to connect to the websocket for the session.
Generata eccezione di tipo 'UFT.Lab.SessionManager.LabSessionException'.
UFT.Lab.SessionManager.LabSessionException: [7005] - Failed to connect to the websocket for the session.
Generata eccezione di tipo 'UFT.Lab.SessionManager.LabSessionException'.
in UFT.Lab.SessionManager.DeviceLabSession.ConnectWebSocket()
All the communication channels are opened between the UFT client, Digital Lab Server and Connector.
Do you have some ideas on the error?
Thank you, Massimo.