Trying to find another way to get the application to recognise the information that has been input to a field
Putting the 277214 into the field is easy, the getting that to trigger off the dropdown containing the equipment material is what does not want to happen.
I have used the following code successfully in other areas of this app
'Input Equipment being used for Site Pre-Start
Browser("Leading Hand").Page("Leading Hand").Frame("Leading Hand").SAPUITextEdit("Search Equipment here").Set "277214"
Wait 1
'Dropdown will not appear without the fire event of on focus
Browser("Leading Hand").Page("Leading Hand").Frame("Leading Hand").SAPUITextEdit("Search Equipment here").FireEvent "onfocus"
But I have exactly the same style inside another part of the process and it will not work using the above - the dropdown will not appear like as if the application does not know that information has been input.
I have used every fireevent that I can think of and none seem to make the dropdown appear.
Any ideas please
The developer tells me that they use startSuggestion="2" showSuggestion="true" to make it work
I tried a bit with the sendkeys but I don't really know what sort of sendkey to send. The following will remove the 4 from the 277214 but doesn't get the dropdown to appear
Set oWscript = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")