How to make content of field be recognised

Trying to find another way to get the application to recognise the information that has been input to a field

Putting the 277214 into the field is easy, the getting that to trigger off the dropdown containing the equipment material is what does not want to happen.

I have used the following code successfully in other areas of this app

'Input Equipment being used for Site Pre-Start
Browser("Leading Hand").Page("Leading Hand").Frame("Leading Hand").SAPUITextEdit("Search Equipment here").Set "277214"
Wait 1
'Dropdown will not appear without the fire event of on focus
Browser("Leading Hand").Page("Leading Hand").Frame("Leading Hand").SAPUITextEdit("Search Equipment here").FireEvent "onfocus"

But I have exactly the same style inside another part of the process and it will not work using the above - the dropdown will not appear like as if the application does not know that information has been input.

I have used every fireevent that I can think of and none seem to make the dropdown appear.


Any ideas please

The developer tells me that they use startSuggestion="2" showSuggestion="true" to make it work

I tried a bit with the sendkeys but I don't really know what sort of sendkey to send. The following will remove the 4 from the 277214 but doesn't get the dropdown to appear

Set oWscript = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

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    More Information

    Developer tells me that the only difference between where it works for me and where it doesn't is the class

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    Hi Maureen,

    This is a SAPUITextEdit limitation for dynamic search field like this one, please try to use device replay to select the value in the dropdown list.

    For example, input "a" in the product field, then select any item in the dropdown table:

    Firstly record your steps:

    Browser("Input - Key and Value").Page("Input - Key and Value").SAPUITextEdit("Product").Set "audio/Video Cable Kit - 4m"
    Browser("Input - Key and Value").Page("Input - Key and Value").SAPUITable("SAPUITable").SelectCell 19,"Name"

    Then change steps using device replay:

    Dim myDeviceReplay
    Set myDeviceReplay=CreateObject("Mercury.DeviceReplay")
    Browser("Input - Key and Value").Page("Input - Key and Value").SAPUITextEdit("Product").Click
    myDeviceReplay.SendString "a"
    wait 4
    Browser("Input - Key and Value").Page("Input - Key and Value").SAPUITable("SAPUITable").SelectCell 19,"Name"

    Please have a try.


    Lisa Shang

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    Thanks Lisa

    I already played with getting the Device Replay to work and that was successful in other parts of my application but not inside this particular page (mostly)

    But........ I have found a working solution using AI

    AIUtil.SetContext Browser("creationtime:=0")
    AIUtil("text_box""Search Equipment here").Type DataTable("Equipment", dtGlobalSheet)

    I am trialing this to see if it is the final solution.

    I have actually used it to replace the device replay areas elsewhere as that was only about 85% chance of working.