Changing the order for classification title and free text title

Hi All,

I am using CM23. I am wondering is there a way to change the order of classification and free text titling.  For example I have created an auto subfolder, that takes the title of the top folder and then adds a free text title at the end.

i.e I have a Personnel folder titled "TEST, John Personnel File 1234" the sub folder is titled "TEST, John Personnel File 1234 - Employee details" I would like the sub folder to be "Employee details - TEST, John Personnel File 1234"

Is it possible to change the order, I have tried to change it on the form but it will not allow me to.



  • Verified Answer


    Hey Shell

    The title fields in CM are 'set in concrete', with the structured parts (if being used) then the free text, as you've seen.

    The only thing I can think of is to restructure the columns in the list pane or the rows in the view pane to add the "Title (Free Text Part)" field first, then the "Title (Structured Part)" field. This will visually give you that look, but the full title will be in the standard order.

    Another option, which requires developer smarts, is to look at having a record addin created. This will give you more control over the record creation/field order process. There are possibly some 3rd party add-ins out there that may also do what you're after.

    Kind regards


    Helen SmileSunflower

    Senior Consultant