Version 10.1 > 23.4 Security Model Changes

The following support ticket mentions a new security model: OCTCR52O948197 DB - Demo DB shipped with product should be based on new security model

Is this just related the changes created from the required step of running the Security Filter Conversion tool (Specified in Upgrading the Content Manager Stack > Upgrade Process)?
Or are there other changes to the Security Model that we may encounter when migrating from Versions 10.1 > 23.4


  • Verified Answer


    Hi Arron,

    Depending on which particular version of 10.1 prior you may need to also apply changes due to a previous CVE which was disclosed.

    For this as part of the schema --> manage you would need to ensure that a few new procedures in the Database are created (should have hopefully been created automatically during upgrade of schema to 23.4 Patch 1 or later but good to double check)

    There is also the ACL+Container conversion which may or may not have been run in previous versions (seen plenty of Datasets where conversions were either not run or didn't fully run to completion as part of a previous upgrade)

    For the Security Filter Conversion, once complete, also good to run the steps in to make sure that the DB shows 0 records + NULL for the final Query as have seen plenty of 'false positives' with this converter saying that it was completed but still had outstanding items (
