Hi. We've recently upgraded to DP 23.3. We're running a Linux Cell using Redhat 7.9 along with some physical Linux mount proxy servers. We're backing up some VM's using VMware integration and when trying to use the 'Granular Recovery' plugin in the VC web interface we recieve the following error. This is after we have selected the backup and are trying to expand the drive (scsi0:0 for example). We are trying to browse the backup of a Linux server via a Linux mount proxy.
ERROR: vmwaregre-agent was unable to load mount component.
Check that you installed all required packages and that your config matches all prerequistites.
We have the following components installed on the mount proxy:
Disk Agent
General media agent
Virtual environment integration
Automatic Disaster recovery
VMware Granular Recovery Extension Agent
Any help around what may be causing this error would be much appreciated as we haven't had much success with GRE in the past and haven't seen this message before.
I see a new model for GRE is available since 23.4 - is this likely to be a more robust method for restoring files from within VMware integrated backups?