Idea ID: 2772021

[CMX/C10] Enhance the ‘failed backup’ warning to cover ‘never backed up’, ‘backed up with errors’ etc in X day

Status: Waiting for Votes

Waiting for Votes

See status update history

Idea Description:

Currently, we have the Agent settings in Support Center under Display to show warning if there has been no successful backup in 4 days. The number of days here is constant (4 days) at present. One of our customers is asking to make the number of days configurable and to have options to add warning for conditions such as ‘never backed up’, ‘failed backup’, ‘backed up with errors/warnings’, etc. Instead of just no successful backup.  

Impact: Ensuring all our customers are backing up on a regular basis and are alerted when there is an issue so that our customers can take action on it.

Retaining for Connected 10.  We have a few customers requesting this.
