DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
The ControlPoint Ingestion process can be confusing and intensive to manage, especially if you are not working with ControlPoint and IDOL on a daily basis.
Today StoreXltd are pleased to announce the next release of our "ControlPoint Ingestion Monitoring" standalone application.
As well as automatically discovering the deployed ControlPoint Connectors and associate Connector Frameworks, we now also discover Multiple MetaStores and any deployed IDOL Content engines.
Included within this release is the ability to perform a "Controlled" and "Consistent" shutdown and startup of the ControlPoint services.
The application is "Digitally signed" and utilises Microsofts "One-Click" installation & deployment.
We have designed the application so that other connectors or IDOL components (i.e. Media Server) can be easily included if required in the future.
I have included below some example screenshots below;
Best of all - we are providing this application free to any ControlPoint end-users.
Contact us today with any questions or to find out more.