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Exclude a file from scan



ControlPoint allows to exclude files when scanning sources. The graphical interface gives the possibility to exclude file extensions. What if I want to exclude a specific file.

Annotation 2020-04-30 141928.png


The connector configuration file gives you more granularity in what you can exclude.

Open the connector configuration file (.cfg).

Go to the task section of the repository: e.g. [TaskMyRepository]

Add the PathCantHaveRegex parameter. In the following example, we exclude "thumb.db" files AND all pdf files.


Note that you can have multiple parameters with the number at the end.

Also note that when you use these manual adds in the configuration file, you should not use anymore the field in the graphical interface as this will conflict.

See also the file system connector documentation:


How To-Best Practice
Comment List
  • Thanks Colin, Will try it today by taking the backup and we are using 5.8 ControlPoint only.


    Step1 is correct: Drop Database and run exportBI_database_creation.sql [This will create the Database, Tables and Views etc. ]

    Step2: Run the powershell "Initial_export.ps1" by passing the parameters such as dbServer storagePath [sqlUser] [sqlPwd]

    Step3: Verify the Data populated and filled the 2 views called ControlPoint.Documents and ControlPoint.Policies.

    Step4: Either manual run SP Exec [dbo].[RefreshPublishedDocuments] or schedule Job and it can refresh the Data from meta Store every day.

  • Thanks Colin, Will try it today by taking the backup and we are using 5.8 ControlPoint only.


    Step1 is correct: Drop Database and run exportBI_database_creation.sql [This will create the Database, Tables and Views etc. ]

    Step2: Run the powershell "Initial_export.ps1" by passing the parameters such as dbServer storagePath [sqlUser] [sqlPwd]

    Step3: Verify the Data populated and filled the 2 views called ControlPoint.Documents and ControlPoint.Policies.

    Step4: Either manual run SP Exec [dbo].[RefreshPublishedDocuments] or schedule Job and it can refresh the Data from meta Store every day.

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