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Create CFS notifications to scan Content Manager with ControlPoint


When you scan Content Manager with ControlPoint, don’t forget to activate CFS notifications on Content Manager side.

This populates the TSNOTIFICA table in Content Manager that is used by ControlPoint connector to get the files.


How To-Best Practice
Comment List
  • Thanks Colin, Great . Indeed very useful information. 

  • If you make any changes to the insert configuration don't forget to restart the CP Engine service so it picks up those changes during policy execution.

    General troubleshooting for insert mapping - Where to look

    distributed action.log

    Program Files\Micro Focus\ControlPoint\Indexer\Distributed Connector\logs\action.log

    You'll see an entry of the form:

    You can copy that line and decode using:

    That can show you additional information about the fields you are trying to map

    callback errors.log

    Program Files\Micro Focus\ControlPoint\Engine\CallBack\Logs\errors.log

    That might also contains details about the field


    <failed message="Couldn't insert file \\CBGCRWIN201214\ControlPointTempLocation\4b6f8c70-8be2-4149-b473-1c631628bdaf\c5c7a3ce7b46869610cb35d70c39af8c\1516869985_17df1w51_HPE Controlpoint -How to add additional metadata fields.docx: Com error

    0x80045728: The additional field 'MyCMField1' is not associated with this Record.">

    CM connector insert.log

    Program Files\Micro Focus\ControlPoint\Indexer\Content Manager Connector\logs\insert.log

    That might also contains details about the field


    70-Error: Insert Failed '': InsertId=9: Couldn't insert file \\CBGCRWIN201214\ControlPointTempLocation\4b6f8c70-8be2-4149-b473-1c631628bdaf\c5c7a3ce7b46869610cb35d70c39af8c\1516869985_17df1w51_HPE Controlpoint -How to add additional

    metadata fields.docx: Com error 0x80045728: The additional field 'MyCMField1' is not associated with this Record.

  • Hi Colin,

    The redirection working as expected the way you posted "display the RELOCATED ITEM page for a few seconds and then show the file in the web client."


    I tried to change the other TRIM server and completed all steps like Origin, CFS connector and scanning the content Manager repository and all working. When I tried to run the policy by using policy phase I created as "Declare(Link Shortcut", So the file can move to TRIM and shortcut remain in the legacy share [ File share ] itself. 

    The insert configuration mapping for CPLocation and rcNotes are working fine. When I added other fields as per the thread  [ document title , Author etc ] , policy failing to transfer and can see the error message as "Couldn't insert file \\ControlPointTempLocation"\*****.

    I think, I might mapped the wrong one and can cross check again or some one can post the workable mapping . But my question is that whether controlPoint can say which mapping is wrong or incorrect rather than this generic message? I tried to check the logs and could not find any info under C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\ControlPoint\Engine\Scheduler\Logs\


    Thanks in advance.

  • Could you please raise a support ticket and let Colin know the number.

    this kind of extensive investigation needs to be captured in a ticket.



  • Thanks Colin, It seems ACI API call happening during this action and I can see some error in the event viewer as below. Does anyone experienced this behaviour? If not, I will log a call for this.

    Autonomy.Idol.Framework.AciResponseException: URI not available ---> Autonomy.Aci.ResponseException: Error returned from server.
    at Autonomy.Aci.Response.CheckForAciErrors(XmlDocument document)
    at Autonomy.Aci.Response.Create(String xmlData)
    at Autonomy.Aci.Connection.Execute(Command command)
    at Autonomy.Idol.Framework.AciNetExtensions.ConnectionExtension.ExecuteWithRetries(IConnection connection, Command command, Int32 maximumAttempts)
    at Autonomy.Idol.Framework.AciServer.Execute(IActionCommand command)

  • I just did step 1) and pasted the http URL into Chrome browser.
    It should display the RELOCATED ITEM page for a few seconds and then show the file in the web client.

  • Thanks Colin. I did the below steps and not sure this is same as you expect as to see a RELOCATED ITEM page.

    Step1)Copy the properties of the shortcut file which will point my ControlPoint Server lie below: This will give error when I copy and paste in browser as well as directly click the shortcut.

    http://<CP Server>:7050/redirecttocontent?autn_group=Content Manager&identifier=PGlkIHM9IkZFVENIVEFTS1MiIHI9InRyaW06VDkvcmVjLzE1NTUyMzEwIi8%2B&config=W0ZldGNoVGFza3NdDQpXb3JrZ3JvdXBTZXJ2ZXI9Q0NPRURNVEkwMQ0KV29ya2dyb3VwU2VydmVyUG9ydD0xMTM3DQpEYXRhYmFzZUlkPVQ5&configsection=FetchTasks


    Step2) I copy my web client URL and append the recirecttocontent portion like below and paste in browser. It is showing my webclient home page and no error, but no RELOCATED ITEM page showing and redirecting in 3 seconds.



    Is it my understanding correct? thx

  • I did a test using CP 5.8 and CM 9.4 and it worked. I was able to click the link shortcut and it launched the CM web client and took me to the file.

    Try the following:

    Open the link shortcut file created using notepad.

    Then copy the full http reference and paste into a browser.

    Check if you see a RELOCATED ITEM page


    Redirect to relocated item
    This item has been moved. You will automatically be redirected to the new location in 3 seconds.
    To access this item at its new location, please click the link below:


    This automatically redirected within a few seconds to display my file in the web client.

    If you are still having issues I would recommend you raise a support call.

  • Thanks Colin. I did the steps as per your comments and still same error.

    Content Manager client>Administration>System> Web Server and Entered 

    For Content Manager web server URL enter : http://<CMServer>/contentmanager
    For URL format select Content Manager Web Client and saved.

    I can able to access Content Manager Web URL alone in browser and it is working. But, this redirect is not working. I checked "Redirector.exe.config" and not much config entry to update. I am trying to Is there any way to hard code and check the web client to connect via Redirect service ? thanks in advance

  • Run Content Manager client.
    Select Administration.
    Select System.
    Select Web Services.
    For Content Manager web server URL enter : http://<CMServer>/contentmanager
    For URL format select Content Manager Web Client.
    OK changes.
    Then try opening the shortcut.
