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Create CFS notifications to scan Content Manager with ControlPoint


When you scan Content Manager with ControlPoint, don’t forget to activate CFS notifications on Content Manager side.

This populates the TSNOTIFICA table in Content Manager that is used by ControlPoint connector to get the files.


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  • Hi Colin,

    The redirection working as expected the way you posted "display the RELOCATED ITEM page for a few seconds and then show the file in the web client."


    I tried to change the other TRIM server and completed all steps like Origin, CFS connector and scanning the content Manager repository and all working. When I tried to run the policy by using policy phase I created as "Declare(Link Shortcut", So the file can move to TRIM and shortcut remain in the legacy share [ File share ] itself. 

    The insert configuration mapping for CPLocation and rcNotes are working fine. When I added other fields as per the thread  [ document title , Author etc ] , policy failing to transfer and can see the error message as "Couldn't insert file \\ControlPointTempLocation"\*****.

    I think, I might mapped the wrong one and can cross check again or some one can post the workable mapping . But my question is that whether controlPoint can say which mapping is wrong or incorrect rather than this generic message? I tried to check the logs and could not find any info under C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\ControlPoint\Engine\Scheduler\Logs\


    Thanks in advance.

  • Hi Colin,

    The redirection working as expected the way you posted "display the RELOCATED ITEM page for a few seconds and then show the file in the web client."


    I tried to change the other TRIM server and completed all steps like Origin, CFS connector and scanning the content Manager repository and all working. When I tried to run the policy by using policy phase I created as "Declare(Link Shortcut", So the file can move to TRIM and shortcut remain in the legacy share [ File share ] itself. 

    The insert configuration mapping for CPLocation and rcNotes are working fine. When I added other fields as per the thread  [ document title , Author etc ] , policy failing to transfer and can see the error message as "Couldn't insert file \\ControlPointTempLocation"\*****.

    I think, I might mapped the wrong one and can cross check again or some one can post the workable mapping . But my question is that whether controlPoint can say which mapping is wrong or incorrect rather than this generic message? I tried to check the logs and could not find any info under C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\ControlPoint\Engine\Scheduler\Logs\


    Thanks in advance.

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