there is a long running FiLR (small Deployment). It comes from FiLR 1.1 and is upgraded each time with the newest version. So this Small Deployment is now version
Now we want to separate the DB. This should be the separate DB-VA.
1. Setup the DB-VA (edit pg_hba.conf so that the FiLR-VA can access.)
2. Export the DB-Data (Stop FiLR; pg_dump -d filr -U filr -C > DB-dump.sql)
3. Create the FiLR-DB with the Postgres-Webinterface. Import the DB-Dump at the new DB-VA (psql filr -U filr < DB-dump.sql) (same DB-Name, same user, same password)
4. Edit the configuration at the FiLR-VA to access the external DB. (and stop the embedded DB)
As the result I can login to FiLR but the most of the users are not visible (in admin/users). And no user see the networks folders.
I miss all external users (self created login), all buildIn accounts and the most -but not all- of the via LDAP-Sync imported users.
Has anybody done this relocate of the DB before and can give an advice?