Filr Update - SMT

The update doesn't work with my new filer installation!

Filr Adv. is installed and running. License is installed.

SMT 2.0 is installed, shows repro and is synced/mirrored.

When I want to register online on one of the appliances, I get the error message for SMT and MicroFocus CC:
"Error: Error attempting to clean up existing configuration: "/usr/bin/suse_register -E" failed with a return code of 2" or "code of 12"
Anyone an idea?

The versions used:


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    i think you must ask OT over the support portal for a registration code for sles15 and then register your applance by suse

    but it is not good when you use the appliance, only updates over the channel must be installed, no other suse updates (this is my long experience for MF-Products, now OT)


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    Yes, that wasn't very precise on my part! :-)

    I have installed a own SMT server with Micro Focus SMT 2.0 (on SLES 15.4) only for the appliance. This should actually work for Filr, Iprint and OES.

    I manage the other “normal” Linux servers with Suse manager

  • Verified Answer

    +1 in reply to 
    I was able to solve the problem.
    The error was in the certificate of the SMT server. (SMT installation instructions point 10)
    The appliances still partially carry out the registration and overwrite information regarding repositories. 
    After that, every registration attempt fails. Both via SMT and Micro Focus Customer Center. Error message: suse_register -E "There are no enabled services defined" Solution: Reinstall Applance, register on SMT server (with certificate ;-) - and it works.
  • Suggested Answer


    There is a second problem...
    at the appliance
    PostgreSQL.x86_64.x86_64.2022-09-01.31 and ContentEditor.x86_64.2022-09-14.53.

    After installation, the "clock" file is missing in the /etc/sysconfig directory. This causes the registration via SMT to abort with the error message:

    Error: Error attempting to clean up existing configuration: "/usr/bin/suse_register -E" failed with a return code of 12

    I use Etc/UTC as the timezone

    The solution is to create the clock file in the /etc/sysconfig directory with the contents:



    The Filr and Search appliances do not have this problem.