Special rule for incoming mail. Please help

Good morning.

I would like to create a rule for a new email message.

The rule should verify whether the sender sent the email for the first time or not.

If the sender sent the email for the first time, then he should receive a feedback with the company details.

Is it possible to configure a new rule this way?

Please give me instructions for configuring the rule. Thank you

  • Verified Answer


    You can use the rule in the default way rules work, when you define a rule and enable it the rule will keep a list of addresses it replied to and will not reply to again unless the rule is disabled/enabled

    This means in your question when userX is sending a mail the rule will reply however when userX is sending the second mail the rule will not trigger as it knows the rule already replied to userX.

    So i would say define a rule where "From" contains * ( so anything ) with the action "reply" that has the info you want to reply with

    After you enable this rule dont disable it anymore, then everyone sending email to the user will only receive a reply one time.

  • Verified Answer


    Is this request for a single mailbox or a general request?

    If it is only for some mailboxes, then take Rob's suggestion. If it should be a general behaviour, the I see objections because of out-of-office rules ...

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