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Anyone have a clue how to use Notification Customization fields?

We have SMG virus alerts going to the recipient and also our System Admin group.  Unfortunately, the notification template does not include the RECIPIENT info when a virus is trapped.  We would kind of like to know that...

FORTUNATELY:  It appears there is a "Customization" option which appears to be able to resolve this (IncludeRecipientDetail)

UNFORTUNATELY:  There is no documentation (that I can find) which indicates how to use the SECOND field right next to it which must somehow also be required to implement that option.

IOW:  I can select "IncludeRecipientDetail" as a customization option, but I can not SAVE that until/unless SOMETHING is provided in the field just to the right of it.  I just don't know what I should put there...  (...and I don't want to break something...)

Anyone here know how to use that second field?


  • Verified Answer


    Hello evanevery,

    the SMG notification customization can be done in the following way. 

    1. Best bet is to start with your notification templates.

    In the template view you can set up custom 'Template variable keys'.

    These are fields which can later be 'filled' with information for example in the notify service of a policy.

    2. In this example let use the already available field  'IncludeRecipientDetail' and fill it with data in the notification service.

    2.1 For fill up data, that can be used, we refer to the meta-data tags of the event writer

    Documentation link:

    2.2 We open up our Policy and edit our Notify service.

    I used the following values to fill up the IncludeRecipientDetail in the policy. This will bring up a list of recipient emails seperated by commata.

    Customization: IncludeRecipientDetail

    Value: %:Recipient email[, ]%

    2.3 After we save these setttings, we now can see the value beeing filled up in our policy, once the notification gets active.

    Your Notify service, should look something like this:

    For example Before and After pictures.



    If you are having problems with the notifications or their generation, you should check the smg-scanner-log and the smg-relay-log for details, as these are the services which put the notification mails together and send them to their recipient.

    Hope this helps,
