DevOps Cloud (ADM)
IT Operations Cloud
Since the release of GroupWise 8 the upgrades are off the chain! Everyone is wanting to dig into the new client and bring our world into 1 interface! With that being said, it's also no secret that upgrades bring troubleshooting...especially on Linux where many of us are still ramping up to speed.
Example - gwia
/opt/novell/groupwise/agents/bin/gwia --show @gwia.cfg
/opt/novell/groupwise/agents/bin/gwpoa --show @mypo.poa
Remember that your configs are now stored at:
Get them working and then go back to running them as designed with a simple rcgrpwise start.
We also need to teach ourselves to look at the agents via a web browser, these http ports can be edited with ConsoleOne on the properties of each agent.
poa - 7180
mta - 7181
gwia -9850
Thanks, and I pray this makes your upgrade process a little less painful. GroupWise 8 Rocks!