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Move GroupWise domain from one Linux server to another

How I moved a GroupWise domain from one Linux server to another.

I set up an OES2 Linux server with X11 only and NCP:

  • Create NCP shares, use NoRM or ncpcon

  1. Volume: opt_novell = Path: /opt/novell

  • Volume: var_opt_novell = Path: /var/opt/novell

  • On the existing source box:

  1. shutdown GroupWise, /etc/init.d/grpwise stop
  2. tar /etc/opt/novell/groupwise
    1. cd /etc/opt/novell
    2. tar -zcvf groupwise.tgz groupwise
  3. copy groupwise.tgz to the new destination box
    • scp groupwise.tgz
  4. tar /opt/novell/groupwise

  1. cd /opt/novell
  2. tar -zcvf groupwise.tgz groupwise

  • copy groupwise.tgz to the new destination box
    • scp groupwise.tgz
  • tar /var/opt/novell/groupwise

  1. cd /var/opt/novell
  2. tar -zcvf groupwise.tgz groupwise
  • copy groupwise.tgz to the new destination box
    • scp groupwise.tgz

  • On the new destination box:
    1. untar /etc/opt/novell/groupwise

    1. cd /etc/opt/novell
    2. tar -zxvf groupwise.tgz

  • untar /opt/novell/groupwise

  1. cd /opt/novell
  2. tar -zxvf groupwise.tgz

  • untar /var/opt/novell/groupwise

  1. cd /var/opt/novell
  2. tar -zxvf groupwise.tgz

  • Create the link for to start GroupWise

  • ln -s /opt/novell/groupwise/agents/bin/grpwise /etc/init.d/grpwise

  • Verify all the settings in your agents files, /opt/novell/groupwise/agents/share
  • Open the needed ports in the firewall
  • Make any needed IP or DNS address changes in ConsoleOne
  • Set GroupWise to start automatically, chkconfig grpwise on


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