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GroupWise: ActiveSync Device Support

We are making great progress on the Gradenko and ActiveSync Connector technology. This last week we released BETA2 of Gradenko and expect to release BETA3 next week. We also expect to release an Alpha/BETA of ActiveSync before the December Holiday break. In our testing, we have successfully synchronized on all major mobile device platforms. Note: ActiveSync is an 'over-the-air' solution. Not a desktop sync solution.

So - Will your device be supported? We hope to provide you enough information to answer that question! Including a 'known' device support list and a known 'unsupported' list.

So let's walk through some of the logic....

Do you have a BlackBerry device? Then your device is supported using the BES solution from RIM. These devices are NOT a target for the ActiveSync solution.

Now onto ActiveSync....

The first question to ask is: Does your mobile device state that it 'supports connecting to Microsoft Exchange 2003 SP2 or later?'

If your answer is YES, then your device is supported and will work with the new ActiveSync connector technology.

The more common answer will probably be "I DON'T KNOW"....

If this is your answer, then the next question will be: "Does your phone/device run on one of these mobile operating systems?"

- Apple OS 2.0, 3.0, 3.1 or later
- Symbian Series 60 3rd-5th Edition or later
- Windows Mobile 5.0, 6.0, 6.1, 6.5 or later
- Palm OS with VersaMail or Exchange ActiveSync Update software
- Palm webOS
- Android 1.5 and 1.6 with additional software OR 2.0
- Maemo Internet Tablet OS 5.0

If the answer is YES, then your device is most likely supported.

We will 'certify' several devices including:

- Apple iTouch and iPhone
- Nokia e62, e71, N97
- MotoQ
- Samsung Intrepid
- HTC Pure
- Palm Centro and Pre
- T-Mobile G1
- Motorola Droid

These devices represent a cross-section of mobile device operating systems. We also have a list of 12 other devices that we also intend to 'certify', but the list above is the initial pass.

We believe that our testing and certification will validate the initial supportability of roughly 250 unique smart phones.

We will publish a Device Support Matrix and Flow Chart so that our customers will be able to easily tell if their device is supportable.

Even if your device is not supported using BES or ActiveSync, we will provide other email synchronization options that include POP/IMAP and WAP access to your GroupWise mail through your mobile device.

This information will also be available in a WIKI format that will allow easy updates and contributions from partners, customers and end-users to help communicate the best ways to get GroupWise email, calendar and contact data from GroupWise to your mobile device - no matter which device you currently own or which device you purchase.

We expect to publish all of this information when the ActiveSync solution goes to Public BETA or at least by the time we release the technology.

I hope this information is useful and look forward to your feedback and questions.



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  • Hi Dean,

    Thanx for your reply...

    I have looked everywhere for Alex's blog with no luck.
    I have found some other stuff written by him, but not the Beta one...
    Can you point me in the right direction, (URL).

  • I know why you had such a hard time finding was posted in NGWList, not on his blog - it was only referred to in his blog.

    Here is what he said:

    We have hit a number of issues delivering beta, and I am not comfortable delivering something that is unstable. Until those issues are resolved we will not be releasing the product. Our first goal is to give a pre-beta to our current Gradenko beta customers, followed by rolling out to a broader closed beta group. I expect that to happen in the next few weeks. That will help us assess gaps and quality and give us a better idea of release dates for public beta and FCS. I anticipate that to be at least 3 months out.

    A number of our customers are using NotifyLink, Toffa and Companion Link, or rolling out Blackberries in the interim.

    I can assure you that this is a top priority for us right now and everyone who can is assisting in getting this shipped. I wish I had better news and I am sorry.


    It was referred to in this blog:

    Still somewhat vague - as all software delivery dates tend to be - but it does give you an idea of what we are working towards.
