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Knowledge Document: Unable to install a second instance of GroupWise Messenger



GroupWise 18.4
GroupWise 23.4
GroupWise 24.x


You would like to have a second Messenger installed and linked to the same GroupWise system but it fails. Or you had problems with an older Messenger system and decided to delete Messenger objects from a gwadmin console and want to start over with a new Messenger installation. However, you fail to run a configuration part.
There will be lines similar to the ones below:

Creating startup files...Done.

Enabling SSL for agents...Done.

Doing local configuration...Done.

Enabling services...Done.

Checking status of database service and MARS...
Database is running
Starting MARS...Done.

Syncing Messenger with GroupWise...Failed. Unknown error. Please contact GroupWise support.

Checking status of agents...
Starting Messaging Agent...Done.
Starting Archive Agent...Done.

The Messenger services are controlled by systemctl.
To control the Database service: systemctl start|stop|status|restart arangodb3.service
To control the Messaging Agent: systemctl start|stop|status|restart gwm-nmma.service
To control the Archive Agent: systemctl start|stop|status|restart gwm-nmaa.service
To control MARS: systemctl start|stop|status|restart gwm-mars@gwmsgr.service

GroupWise Messenger configuration is complete!


Currently, there is no supported option, a design to have multiple Messenger systems installed against the same GroupWise system.
During the configuration of the Messenger system, there are two special records created in the primary domain database. These records do not get removed when you delete Messenger objects from a gwadmin console. To fix it, please, open a service request with OT Technical support to let them remove this record from your domain database.

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